samedi 21 septembre 2019

Quick overnight close to home

I took the day off and did a quick overnight at a new place I never knew existed. Its only 20 minutes from my house. It features a small , shallow lake and four (4) primitive campsites. The weather was stunning yesterday and I wanted to take advantage of a crisp, starless night.

The parking area is fairly large and the put-in is right next to it. I will say the register had a note "Please report any vandalism to DEC". Not sure if people's cars have been broken into or what?

My office view yesterday paddling in

Two of the four campsites are supposed to be access only by boat although there's a foot trail and I heard people walking around nearby. I chose the farthest one from the put-in but the other one is pretty much right next to it. The sites are very nice. Kudos to the team that constructed them. They feature two (2) tent pads, a fire pit, and a privy.

I hung the hammock between two suitable trees which were prefect. Hammock Gear just had a sale on under quilts and I tested mine for the first time. I must say it performed very well. It was chilly last night in them hills.

View from the fire pit

As far as the peace and quiet goes it was not great. There is a dirt road to the parking area and people were romping up and down it most of the night. Someone also drove an ATV on the adjacent trails about midnight. I'm not sure if they were on private property or not as there are hunting camps nearby. The noise didn't bother me and we all need to share. I just hope the ATV guy (or gal) was legal.

I made a rookie mistake and left my kayak boots at home so my feet got wet getting out of the canoe. While drying my hiking boots I had a bunch of dragonflies use me as a rest area. Didn't see much wildlife except one duck and a garter snake that slithered right over my bare foot. I did hear owls at night which was nice.

It was a nice quick trip. Surprisingly there was little garbage to pack out. I only found a beer can and a ziplock bag. Hopefully the place will stay that way. It'll make for a nice winter camping spot too. Enjoy!

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