jeudi 1 mai 2014

Does My Teacher Sound Like A Fraud?

First off, I thank everyone here on this forum. Many of you have always been insightful, and it is wonderful to have such a tremendous amount of support from martial artists.

My question is: is my martial arts teacher a fraud? As a person who wants to instruct other in the martial arts one day, I'm worried about what he is teaching me. It's clearly not in other schools. I'm asking this, because the last time I was in class, he added something to the Tai Chi form (which I have been practicing diligently for 3 years) that he has never shown me. To top it off, many of the current students who help the lower level students are teaching things that are completely off with what I was taught by him - and he's taking their side :(

I've done my research, ranging from him, to the styles he teaches, to the affiliations he is associated with. As far as his 9th (or 10th?) Degree Black Belt in Moo Duk Kwan TKD, it's from an association he either founded or co-founded, or currently is the owner. The TKD forms look like bastadized versions of Shotokan/Moo Duk Kwan. The Tai Chi form he is teaching is a VERY off-shoot form of Cheng Man-Ching's form - I have never been able to find anyone else who does it. The Tai Chi certification is not from the same association as his TKD certificates, but I could never find the origin of that association. It's also fairly old (from the late 80s or early 90s). They could very well be long gone.

POSITIVE NOTES - he can demonstrate mystical Chi techniques (???). When I really pick his brain about something, he actually gives me an answer that is both enlightening and helpful in every way. He can actually apply techniques in real life situations, and he has shown it dozens of times with many of the would-be students who come in and try to expose him as a fake. Currently, he is training with a Bagua instructor who he completely reveres, and the Bagua instructor (who seems legit?) has an enormous amount of respect for him.

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