mercredi 20 août 2014

Ground knife defense..

Hey guys. I just saw a video on face book, that i don't even know if a bjj black belt could deal with. It is very disturbing.. It is in a subway with 2 African Americans fighting. They hit the ground then the guy on top pulls a knife. The guy on top never looses mount control and is stabbing at the guy on bottom while many watch on.

While the stabber was not stabbing very quickly, the guy on bottom only seamed to be able to parry most of the stabs. Some get through and you can see the blood and he screams. Absent the knife the trap and roll would have been a easy escape.. However, the question then becomes, if your on bottom, and you have a free hand and parry the guy on tops knife, how do you control the knife, and effect the reverse while not loosing control of the knife? The stabber had control of the one of the defenders arms during this fight, he couldn't control the side of the defender that was on the same side he was stabbing with.

So far just watching it, parry the knife and try to get gain control of that arm and lock it down, then trap and roll and either strip the knife or break his arm.

Since the video is on face book and is not on youtube im unsure how to post the link to it. Its quite graphic though. I hope a mod or someone lets me know if and how i should post it. If not i wont. I hope i described it enough though.

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