mercredi 20 août 2014

Long Pond SRCA - 8/14-8/17

Consistent rain, low temps, and unyielding grey skies put a "damper" on the trip but overall a beautiful and worthwhile lake to spend time on.

Took lucky campsite #13 on the south end of the northeastern, 'open' section of the lake. Had what I believe is the best view on the lake - a perfectly framed Long Pond Mountain hovering in the distance over the canoe docking area. Not a lot of light coming in on this northern exposure (even accounting for the fact it was cloudy 99% of the time), but an intimate and charming site nonetheless.

It was not well impacted, but had almost no nearby firewood. We had to take some deep hikes to bring back soaked birch & cedar logs and it was a semi-full time gig to keep the fire humming.

One big issue was that our site was located in a place where every group of boaters would try to cut the corner to get around the bend and come 15 feet from our campsite. This would be annoying no matter what but I had a 1 and a half year old dog on her first camping expedition and she basically went nuts barking and swimming out to the 'intruders'. I know I should have control over my dog but it didn't help that some folk would antagonize her or slow down to talk to me - she was just on high alert the entire time :(

I understand they've closed down many of the established campsites on Long Lake. It was a disappointment to see the best realty closed down, along with what are probably the best views/exposure on campsite #11 and whatever site used to be next to it, but I guess there are reasons.

I did catch two equal sized 19" 3lb largemouth bass on the only evening with no rain, so that was a huge plus, but otherwise not a lot of luck.

Plans to make the portage to Floodwood were thwarted by rain also. So it was a lot of whiskey & kielbasas on the fire & chess matches, and wouldn't trade it for anything :)

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