lundi 18 août 2014

Questions about my rate of progression

So we recently started a TKD school in Northern Afghanistan at one of the camps here. Our instructor has a 2nd degree black belt in AMAI TKD and working on his 2nd degree black belt in WTF TKD. I feel like I am progressing pretty fast, possibly too fast? I've been doing this for about 3 months now and I have just received my blue belt. We mostly work on forms and and kicks, and using re breakable boards. At this point I am proficient with Taeguks 1-3 and starting 4 tomorrow. We can't do any contact sparring because we don't have the gear for it. I've watched some videos of other blue belt tests on youtube and there seems to be a lot more to those tests than ours. I guess I'm wondering what I should expect if I decide to pursue this more when I get home later in the year. We have class 3 nights a week for an hour then some of us work with the instructor during down time or on off days.

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