lundi 18 août 2014

Help with snowshoes.


So I am looking to pick up a set of snowshoes for this year to try and get a winter overnighter or 2 in this year. on top of regular weekend use for exercise..

I am torn between buying a new set outright or tryign to snag a used set... My concerns on the used set that the item could be previously stressed beyond its design in terms of weight as well as i have no experiance with them so i dont truly know what to look for outside of common sense.

I weigh in at 280lbs.. hitting 310ish with a backpack. so I am looking for shoes int he 36inch range.

Cost : I am trying to keep this udner $100 as i truly have no idea if this will work out. I dont have an issue with spending more next winter for a better set, but i dont want to drop alot of cash right now on it.

I am currently looking at these. Specifically the chinooks due to price.

Any thoughts or advice ?

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