dimanche 17 août 2014

Steroids and early MMA

No UFC event in the 90s was truly intricate with the testing. Also each event was held in a random backyard state of the USA, one was even in puerto rico !

Mark Kerr basically opened the can of worms when he went on camera the Documentary Smashing Machine , where he admitted his first 2 UFC tournament championship wins were done under the use of illegal narcotic drugs to numb pain during fight, and he was obviously on Steroids as was his friend Marc Coleman.

Pride then started to drug test in the early 2000s since Kerr got totally out of shape then kicked out of Pride. I think they just tested for substances as narcotic drugs not steroids or human growth hormone, which i suspect Marc Coleman stayed on for a long while.

Kimo was an obvious California steroid thug that heard of the UFC and was an early MMA "worldwide" star. He fought in UFC gained his fame and moved on to many Japanese organizations, only beating cans for the most part. Cant bully your way around the worlds greatest fighters.

Kerr started his career 12-0 worldwide, Brazil, USA then Japan. Enson Inoue , a legend in Japan, was Kerrs last win on his 4 year win streak where he was fueled by illicit drugs and steroids. He wouldnt heed Bas Ruttens advice and probably could not kick the dope, so he stopped taking the steroids , training and kept using drugs.

Coleman raging after tapping out (warning language)

Video removed due to profanity. It doesn't add to the discussion anyway.

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