dimanche 17 août 2014

Crane Pond Rd Mud-Pit

Starting a new thread here, in an effort to get the word out a little more.

This situation along Crane Pond Road has gotten even worse!

People are now trying to circle around the pit, which is creating even more problems.

Below is the info, photos & video from another thread from 2 weeks ago, and I added a couple new photos and another video from just this past weekend.

Please pass the word.


Originally Posted by DSettahr (Post 220441)

Just a heads up- the ford on Crane Pond road has been swallowing up vehicles like clockwork over the past week or so. The hole at the Crane Pond end of the ford has gotten very deep this summer. At least 5 or 6 cars got stuck last weekend, some were able to get hauled out by trucks with tow straps, others had to call a tow company to get extracted. And it's not just small vehicles getting stuck, either- an F-350 is among the vehicles that have needed assistance getting out of that hole this summer. Even the rangers that patrol that area have become wary of crossing the ford; several have taken to parking on top of the hill just before the ford and walking the rest of the way in to Crane Pond.

It's not deep water that is the issue, but rather deep mud (at least 3 feet deep). As vehicles continue to get stuck in the hole, they spin their tires, which leads to the hole getting dug even deeper and deeper. On top of that, occupants of the stuck vehicles have been tossing in organic material (pine/hemlock branches, logs, etc.) in an effort to gain traction, which will only make the situation worse as those items start to rot and decompose in the future.

I would strongly encourage anyone heading back there in a vehicle to think twice before crossing the ford.

On the plus side, Crane Pond has been unseasonably quiet over the past couple of weeks, with significantly fewer groups camped there than is typical of this time of year.




- Video 1 - 8/10/14

- Video 2 - 8/16/14

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