mardi 21 octobre 2014

Cold River Horse Trail

A very late trip report, August, but here it is anyway.

Departed in great weather from Upper Works toward Duck Hole. I had forgotten what a hard 7-8 miles this is! It's amazing that some of this trail was an old lumber road into the 1920's. As I got closer to DH, the trail was flooded by beavers and made a detour thru thick brush necessary. Yes, DH is still a pretty spot, just a different kind of beauty now, all green and lush with grass growing in what used to be the pond.

Spent night #1 at Cold River 1 & 2, the first LT's south of DH.

Fine weather continued as I made my way toward Shattuck Clearing. Many views of the Cold River have grown in since I first trekked this area in the early 80's, but it's still a great trail. Spent night #2 at Cold

River 3 & 4, the one farther from the bridge.

The third day was the day of exploration, hiking the Cold River Horse Trail. the junction for this trail is at Shattuck clearing and is well marked. The trail follows and old road and is easy for awhile, then becomes badly overgrown and is nearly impossible to find. A few days before I got there, some horse folks went thru and muddied and roto-tilled the trail. Sometimes it was the only way I could tell if I was on the route or not! This trail is badly overgrown and trail markers are almost non-existent. However, there are signs at the trail juntions.

I stopped for a break at the first set of lean-tos, Moose Pond Stream. These LT's get virtually no use and there is grass, growing in the fireplace! It was rally nice to see LT's with the forest intact and the surrounding area wasn't all black from campfires. Someone has left a few jars of screws, nails and other fasteners on the shelves; I don't know why.

The overgrown and muddy trail continued to the Northern LT's, another nice set of LT's. Here was night #3.

Just north of Northern, the trail passes by the Cold River Canyon. It's pretty, but not the Grand Canyon and the visit is short lived.

A bit north of here I lost the trail; the horse tracks dead-ended. time to bushwhack! It was on the bushwhack that I came across an "old" camp that had burned down; cause unknown. This camp wasn't terribly old as part of the litter left behind were several metal folding chairs, the kind you'd find in a school cafeteria.

Mu bushwhack was short when I ran into the trail again and in a few minutes I was at the ford on the Cold River.

There isn't much to see on the horse trail except trees and mud. It almost doesn't exist anymore. The NP Trail is the highlight. I ran into nobody during my trip; very quiet.

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