mardi 21 octobre 2014

Lack of humility

Hi Folks,

I just did my first ever Kyokushin class. Now I had finished a two hour session of Krav Maga and had been grappling a 17st guy compared to my 11st so I was a bit knackered having also had nearly a year out following a car accident.

So I had no Gi and was a bit minging but asked if I could join the class that followed mine. Sure no problem! So I was tired and not my sharpest. Still no problem.

Now I do have a 1st Dan in Wado ryu and I've trained with some of the most amazing people in the last twenty years in various styles various grades. So I was a bit taken back when as we all shaking hands at the end a 3rd Dan chap (neither of the instructors) told me I should shake his hand with both of mine as he was a higher grade. Now this is most definitely the first time I have had that said to me.

I have helped teach and also run clubs and found that with the more traditional arts that practitioners were humble people. I don't think I have honestly ever met someone that lorded their higher grade over mine.

It was a real shame as I had enjoyed the class up till that point. Maybe I am just getting sensitive in my old age. It has put me off training with them again though.

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