mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Vegetarians/Vegans - Animal fat necessity?

Hey folks, was having a chat with the Mrs. about vegans and vegetarians who consume no animal products, or specifically no animal fat.

I have heard this many times before, though never checked myself till today (yet still none the wiser, hence this thread) - animal fat is essential for absorption of certain minerals/vitamins and that certain minerals/vitamins can only be gotten from animal sources. Is this true?

I have a hard time believing it as I know several vegetarians/vegans who consume little or no animal produce and seem to be pretty healthy and not exhibiting any signs of malnourishment.

Would much appreciate if someone could enlighten me on this topic and would also be interested in hearing how or with what vegetarians/vegans substitute the alleged necessity of "animal fat".

Cheers! :)

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