samedi 28 février 2015

E. Br. Sacandaga Trail - 2/28/15

This trail is broken in lightly now and is a great ski. I skied today from Old Farm Road near Thirteenth Lake to the Sacandaga Lean-to and back. It looks like 2 persons had been in there recently, so now there is a nice broken in base, but its not compacted and fast yet.

Beautiful day out today and I didn't see a person all day. I also added a little bushwhack loop so I ended up doing 16 miles today. I'm taking full advantage of the cold and the fluffy powder. Its got to end soon.

Full TR and pics here.

Cris Cyborg Santos wins at 135lbs

So all mighty Dana's doctor opinion of "She will die if she makes 135" was proved wrong lol

Anyways, now there is no excuse for Ronda to duck the 13-1 #1 contender

New here

New to the forum. I've always appreciated the advice and discussions here so what better time to join than when my cabin fever morphs into excitement for my third trip onto the NLP trail! I am planning on a week long trip most likely in early may. I am transitioning from a 50lb pack weight to a more age friendly 25-30lbs. I have achieved this pack weight and have no doubts concerning comfort and safety, yet i am considering trail running/hiking shoes this time around as my load is much lighter. Any advice?

side note: i very well understand the trail conditions i.e. mud. Never been a real issue, just looking to trade ankle support for speed and agility

Practical usefulness of Olympic style taekwondo

Hello ive recently fell in love with taekwondo but every school i find is about the sport side of taekwondo which bothers me because what im going for is to be a great martial arts fighter but one that is practical for self defense and everyones going on about how sport martial arts arent good for the street and i can see why they say that plus the school im going to like never goes over punches or hair grabs shoulder grabs etc. but then when i look for a more practical martial art everyone says all martial arts are good you should do what works for you and i definently feel taekwondo works for me but the fact that its for the olympics and we like never punch or go over self defense techniques like grabs or throws really makes me have serious doubts about what it is i am doing so i would like to hear from some experienced WTF TaeKwonDo martial artists about what has been bothering me and please give me your martial arts background so i know who im listening too thanks in advance

Squaw Lake in MRP: access?

Apologize for this question, but searched this Forum and only found "dated" responses. Did the road that led very near Squaw Lake in the Moose River Plains area ever open again? I was last at Squaw approx 6 years ago, but apparently subsequently the road closed (Otter lake rd?). Back when I visited, it was only 1/3 mile carry to the lake. From my searching on this Forum, it looks like the road was still closed in 2013. Would appreciate any updates. Thanks.: :boozing:

Tubbs snowshoe repair suggestion

I've had a pair of Tubbs Wilderness 25 snowshoes for several years, purchased at EMS and unfortunately don't have the receipt any more. The deck on one of the shoes failed a few days ago and I think I'm out of luck as far as EMS/Tubbs go due to no receipt.

So any suggestions are welcome. Referring to the picture I'm guessing replacing the entire deck would be necessary -- and I would lean towards getting a new pair of snowshoes rather than paying to replace the deck on one shoe. Now that one deck has failed I'm a little leery about the other.

Anyone have one similar working showshoe that I could buy cheap ? Anything like a for single snowshoes ?

What constitutes as being the recommendation for “cardio exercise”?

Greetings friends,

I think that it has been conveyed to me throughout the years that in order to maintain a healthy life style, that we as human beings are to periodically engage in “cardio exercise”. (?)

If what I have just written in the preceding sentence above is not totally correct, then please feel free to correct me. :-)

Please allow me to confess up front that I am perhaps going on antiquated information. I therefore wish to “update myself”. Thus, if someone has the patience or diligence to respond to my 4 different questions below, I would be elated.

1. In my somewhat limited knowledge regarding health and exercise, I recall several years ago how it always seemed to be conveyed to me, something along the lines, that one is to engage in a continuous or constant activity, be it jogging, running, or swimming, for at least 15 to 20 contiguous minutes (without any pause or rest during this 15 to 20 minutes), for 3 times per week. Is this still considered as being correct? Or, is this now considered antiquated information?

2. If the above is correct, may I substitute, for instance, roller blading or bicycling, as one of the activities (instead of, for instance, jogging, running, or swimming) to be engaged in for 15 to 20 contiguous minutes?

3. I enjoy swimming. However, I should qualify that statement. I am not crazy about, what I consider, somewhat boring, lap swimming. That is, I am not crazy about, for instance, where one is swimming, continuously or contiguously back and forth within the pool with absolutely no pause between laps, at a moderate to moderately slow pace, for several continuous minutes. Rather, I prefer, instead, to do interval swimming. For instance, I prefer to swim fast for a couple of lengths, where I am then subsequently extremely out of breath, and to then rest for a good minute or two until I have somewhat caught my breath again, and then to swim fast again for a couple of lengths. I’ll do this for, say, about 10 intervals, which will take me between 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Therefore, does this qualify as “15 to 20 minutes” of cardio as I have previously described in no. 1 above? I am not sure because what I have just described is not a contiguous or continuous 15 minutes of running without a pause, as I originally described in no. 1 above.

4. If the answer to no. 3 above is “Yes”, then, likewise, can I employ this same thinking toward running? That is, rather than running for 15 to 20 continuous minutes at a moderate to moderately slow pace, I would, instead, run fast for a, say, ¼ mile, then rest a good minute or 2, and then run fast again for another ¼ mile. Then, after resting another minute or 2, run fast again for another ¼ mile, etc. If I were to keep up this interval training for running ¼ mile intervals (with 1 to 2 minutes of rest between each ¼ mile interval) for 15 to 20 minutes, does this then satisfy the requirement for cardio, even though it is not a contiguous or continuous 15 to 20 minutes of running without a pause?

Thank you very much for any responses.

The best to all,


Getting Involved in Pro-Wrestling

I'm curious, as I know a number of people on this site have been involved in or know people in pro-wrestling, how do you get involved in pro-wrestling?

There aren't exactly many clubs and it seems that people are involved through family or contacts. A majority of interviews I've seen seem to be the same as sumo - they get strongmen involved because huge guys are the best promotion.


Having just come across the above video, I thought it was worth sharing here. There's been a few discussions about that have touched on the case-by-case nature of koryu bujutsu, and the Jigen-ryu is one of the best illustrations of that.

The ideal of the Jigen-ryu is that the first cut should kill. As an extension of this, they practice just one cut. The majority of the practice, as the video suggests, involves running up to the target, and cutting it over and over again in order to build up strength, speed, and stamina. Other elements of the school tend to be the simplest possible extensions of this: repeated cuts to suppress the opponent or target switching, for example. However, it is always the same cut.

It might be better to say that this is the physical ideal of Jigen-ryu, however. Another way of thinking of Jigen-ryu is that it is a tool by which a general can produce an army. Even if you believe that Jigen-ryu's simplicity would make it vulnerable to more sophisticated martial schools, Jigen-ryu can produce dozens or even hundreds of trained exponents to every one of these other schools. The Jigen-ryu army is intended to be psychologically intimidating (hence the extended kiai), and the low choice burden was intended to prevent soldiers from freezing up in combat. The mass-training mentality is why the training equipment is so basic (quite literally trimmed sticks, as the video illustrates).

My experience is that most people's perceptions of koryu bujutsu tends to be shaped by schools like (and primarily, if I'm honest) the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu, which is quite unlike Jigen-ryu. At the same time, the Jigen-ryu's role in the Meiji Restoration, producing the Satsuma soldiers, means that its historical influence arguably outweighs most other Japanese schools. And of course, in comparison to other schools it clearly illustrates that different schools existed to fill different niches.

vendredi 27 février 2015


Just started in Aikido, just wondered if anybody could recommend any good books to read, i am very interested in the spiritual side of Aikido just as much as anything else to do with the martial art, i would be most gratefull for any guidance,:)

Full Hammock Backpacking Giveaway

Not sure where to post this so I stuck it here -

As a thank you to everyone joining the channel, when we hit 1,000 YouTube subscribers I will select a random member to receive a complete backpacking hammock setup that will include: backpack, hammock with suspension, insulation (top and bottom), tarp, cook kit and knife. Essentially everything you need to strap it on your back and go.

To be eligible all you need to do is be a subscriber, like, comment and share this channel with someone whom you think will enjoy it. When we hit 1,000 I will run a random number generator and select a winner.

This channel has been a blast over the past 10 months, thanks to everyone who has come along for the ride.

- Rob

Reccomendations for a good standing post?

Do you practise any particular posture from the form as a standing post exercise? Which are some good ones to practise?

Happy French Louie Day!

Bah Cripe and By Da Holy Feesh,

Happy French Louie Day!


Hi to everyone on MAP, just starting out in Aikido, just looking for the health and well being aspect of the art, i am a young at heart 50 year old so not looking for black belts etc, just looking to enjoy and get involved.

Goodbye, Mr Spock

This just in...

Leonard Nemoy has passed away, aged 83.

He lived long and prospered.


Harris Hill, Hammond Pond Wild Forest 2/25/15

Finally got the chance to climb Harris Hill on Wednesday with my friend Jason,

while spending the night at our friend's cabin located near the base of the

mountain. We got a bit of a late start, but after getting all set up at the camp

we headed out the door, and started uphill through deep powder.

Before long we had great views toward the Dix Range under blue-bird skies.

As we climbed higher, we were rewarded with more open views toward the

west, with Ensign Pond Rd below.

We climbed a little higher, where the winds really started to pick up, and

enjoyed the growing view which now included Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge.

After a short break and an hour & a half of breaking trail up the mountain,

we decided to head back down to the cabin to make dinner, saving the other

two summits for another day.

After supper, we enjoyed some cold beers and some good tunes beside the warmth

of the woodstove, where I was on the losing end of a game of chess and a

game of spades. :mad: :banghead:

In the morning we made breakfast, and closed up the cabin.

Before heading home, we took a few rides in our Jet-sleds down the hill

along the trail to the camp, which I recorded with my Iphone.

Unfortunately, it was very difficult to hold the phone and steer,

and I crashed a few times lol... :rolling: ...

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

...and here, Jason shows us how it's done:

Video 4

JBL to Big Slide

Any recent data for the trail up Big Slide from JBL? Would like to ski in to JBL then shoe up tomorrow.


"Everyone loves trees, some like them vertical and some like them horizontal."

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is this spring."

Most NY counties sell tree saplings cheaply. Now is the time to order. Without too much effort one can order ten trees, plant them, preferably with a child, and create a personal legacy.

Walk up to any impressive tree with same child and speculate who's legacy has blessed this moment.

Order today, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”


"Everyone loves trees, some like them vertical and some like them horizontal."

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is this spring."

Most NY counties sell tree saplings cheaply. Now is the time to order. Without too much effort one can order ten trees, plant them, preferably with a child, and create a personal legacy.

Walk up to any impressive tree with same child and speculate who's legacy has blessed this moment.

Order today, “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

Movement Patterns and Cycles

1) In my mind, quality is more important than quantity which is more important than load

2) do fewer exercises. Do one exercise per 'fundamental movement pattern'*

3) do fewer 'work' reps. Shoot for maybe 10-15, so 6x1, 5x2, 3x3, 5x3, 3x5. The longer the set, the more likely it is you'll do more reps of lower quality (see point #1)

4) warm up to your 'work' reps by using steps of lighter weight (e.g. if you are looking to squat 100kg for 5 sets of 2 reps, you might do 8 reps with 40kg, 5 reps with 60kg, 3 reps with 80 kg, 1 rep with 90kg, then your 5 work sets of 2 reps with 100kg)

5) drop the "train to failure" attitude with compound movements. Train to win, don't train to lose. Training to failure increases the likelihood of training more reps with poor form or improper range of motion, see point #1. If you feel like you are close to failure, stop and call it a day, congratulate yourself on your 100% success rate of high quality reps.

6) track the weights used (whether you do that here or somewhere else doesn't matter), so you make sure you are improving. Provided that you are keeping your reps perfect (quality), then being able to do perfect sets of 3 with something you were previously doing perfect sets of 2 counts as an improvement (quantity), then when it feels light, add a bit more weight (load), provided you don't sacrifice quality.

* fundamental movement patterns =

1) squat

2) hinge (at the hips)

3) push

4) pull

5) "other"/gait/put it all together

push and pull can be horizontal or vertical, so maybe there are 7 categories...

Category 5 is all of the 'other' planes of motion, so something like the Turkish Getup might fall in to 'other', or perhaps a one-armed overhead split squat, or Martial Arts, or Ballet...

Looking at your last workout and grouping them by movement pattern, you have:

Front squat (1)

back squat (1)

barbell thrusters (1 and 3)

kettle bell swings (2)

deadlifts (2 and 4)

barbell rows (4)

pullups (4)

sumo deadlift (2 and 4)

Romanian deadlift (2 and 4)

flat bench press (3)

incline/decline bench press (3)

Push press (3)

power cleans (2 and 4)

hang cleans (2 and 4)

Lots of overlap, and although it's fun to do lots of different exercises, you may find it more resourceful to specialise in one for each movement pattern. To me, this is the difference between 'exercise' and 'training'. Anyone can get 'tired', not everyone gets 'better'.

So, pick one exercise for each movement pattern and get really good at that one before changing.

Some exercises cover multiple patterns, but you might not be able to load them optimally for both patterns, so might not be appropriate. Deadlifts are great for covering hinge (2), and also cover pull (4) but do so with straight arms and quite a short range of motion. Thrusters cover squat (1) and push (3), but the load is likely to be limited by your push strength rather than your squat strength.

Let's see if you can get great results from the fewest exercises and the least work. How about you go with (from your list):

Deadlifts, front squats, push press and pull ups.

Get really skilled at doing high quality reps of these exercises, increase the reps gradually, increase the weight gradually, make sure quality is maintained, become more awesome.

You may consider doing something like this: pick a weight you know you can do for 5 reps, 100kg for example, then:

workout 1 (week 1, Mon) - warm up (see recommendation above), then 6x1 @100kg

workout 2 (week 1, Weds) - warm up, then 5x2 @100kg

workout 3 (week 1, Fri) - warm up, then 3x3 @100kg

- add 5%, drop back down the rep range, carry on

workout 4 (week 2, Mon) - warm up, then 6x1 @105kg

workout 5 (week 2, Weds) - warm up, then 5x2 @105kg

workout 6 (week 2, Fri) - warm up, then 3x3 @105kg

- add 5%, drop back down the rep range

workout 7 (week 3, Mon) - warm up, then 6x1 @110kg

and so on, provided every rep is 100% quality

If it feels too easy, brilliant, concentrate on quality, maybe add some weight. If it feels too hard, take some weight off and concentrate on quality. If it's a challenge but you can do it, great, do it and concentrate on quality.


Movement Patterns and Training Cycles


Originally Posted by HarryF (Post 1074921018)

1) In my mind, quality is more important than quantity which is more important than load

2) do fewer exercises. Do one exercise per 'fundamental movement pattern'*

3) do fewer 'work' reps. Shoot for maybe 10-15, so 6x1, 5x2, 3x3, 5x3, 3x5. The longer the set, the more likely it is you'll do more reps of lower quality (see point #1)

4) warm up to your 'work' reps by using steps of lighter weight (e.g. if you are looking to squat 100kg for 5 sets of 2 reps, you might do 8 reps with 40kg, 5 reps with 60kg, 3 reps with 80 kg, 1 rep with 90kg, then your 5 work sets of 2 reps with 100kg)

5) drop the "train to failure" attitude with compound movements. Train to win, don't train to lose. Training to failure increases the likelihood of training more reps with poor form or improper range of motion, see point #1. If you feel like you are close to failure, stop and call it a day, congratulate yourself on your 100% success rate of high quality reps.

6) track the weights used (whether you do that here or somewhere else doesn't matter), so you make sure you are improving. Provided that you are keeping your reps perfect (quality), then being able to do perfect sets of 3 with something you were previously doing perfect sets of 2 counts as an improvement (quantity), then when it feels light, add a bit more weight (load), provided you don't sacrifice quality.

* fundamental movement patterns =

1) squat

2) hinge (at the hips)

3) push

4) pull

5) "other"/gait/put it all together

push and pull can be horizontal or vertical, so maybe there are 7 categories...

Category 5 is all of the 'other' planes of motion, so something like the Turkish Getup might fall in to 'other', or perhaps a one-armed overhead split squat, or Martial Arts, or Ballet...

Looking at your last workout and grouping them by movement pattern, you have:

Front squat (1)

back squat (1)

barbell thrusters (1 and 3)

kettle bell swings (2)

deadlifts (2 and 4)

barbell rows (4)

pullups (4)

sumo deadlift (2 and 4)

Romanian deadlift (2 and 4)

flat bench press (3)

incline/decline bench press (3)

Push press (3)

power cleans (2 and 4)

hang cleans (2 and 4)

Lots of overlap, and although it's fun to do lots of different exercises, you may find it more resourceful to specialise in one for each movement pattern. To me, this is the difference between 'exercise' and 'training'. Anyone can get 'tired', not everyone gets 'better'.

So, pick one exercise for each movement pattern and get really good at that one before changing.

Some exercises cover multiple patterns, but you might not be able to load them optimally for both patterns, so might not be appropriate. Deadlifts are great for covering hinge (2), and also cover pull (4) but do so with straight arms and quite a short range of motion. Thrusters cover squat (1) and push (3), but the load is likely to be limited by your push strength rather than your squat strength.

Let's see if you can get great results from the fewest exercises and the least work. How about you go with (from your list):

Deadlifts, front squats, push press and pull ups.

Get really skilled at doing high quality reps of these exercises, increase the reps gradually, increase the weight gradually, make sure quality is maintained, become more awesome.

You may consider doing something like this: pick a weight you know you can do for 5 reps, 100kg for example, then:

workout 1 (week 1, Mon) - warm up (see recommendation above), then 6x1 @100kg

workout 2 (week 1, Weds) - warm up, then 5x2 @100kg

workout 3 (week 1, Fri) - warm up, then 3x3 @100kg

- add 5%, drop back down the rep range, carry on

workout 4 (week 2, Mon) - warm up, then 6x1 @105kg

workout 5 (week 2, Weds) - warm up, then 5x2 @105kg

workout 6 (week 2, Fri) - warm up, then 3x3 @105kg

- add 5%, drop back down the rep range

workout 7 (week 3, Mon) - warm up, then 6x1 @110kg

and so on, provided every rep is 100% quality

If it feels too easy, brilliant, concentrate on quality, maybe add some weight. If it feels too hard, take some weight off and concentrate on quality. If it's a challenge but you can do it, great, do it and concentrate on quality.


Personally I would include 2 more loadable movement patterns (activities you can add weights/difficulty to):

- Carry

- Sprint/Jump

Carries include things like putting a heavy backpack on and going for a walk or holding heavy stuff in your hands.

Sprints and jumps are loadable in terms of height, incline or distance (or even sets) and I think are good for training the quick changes from flexion to extension and back.

Good info Harry - Stickied

jeudi 26 février 2015

Fly tying Head Cement

I've been using Cellire head cement for years to finish the heads on my flies. It is thin, so it soaks in and locks the materials well. It produces a beautiful glossy finish on streamers but that takes up to six coats. What do others use when a high gloss coat is desired? I tried Loon and some others and they seem to ride on top rather than penetrate.

Buck Mt...LG

Looking at doing Buck from the East, anyone know of trail conditions...thanks

Canoe ????

Is there a light solo pack or tripper out there that is not a set in the bottom , and has a raised seat ? Thank You

What has taught you humility?

At a Matsuri I attended a while back, we were all put into groups (with a black belt the head of each).

The rules where, if you was struck by a weapon - you stopped, and fell 'dead' to the floor.

In this particular instance, I hid behind a bush, and got lucky, struck the leader of one group square on the neck.

His response - turned around and stabbed me (like a dead man would do...)

When I said I just struck you, he shrugged and ran off to join his group.

Meanwhile - a white belt had snuck up on me (from another group) and stabbed me in the back.

At first I was going to say ' I was in conversation with this teacher' (about 'whatever', but changed my mind to stop being a hypocrite.

Bearing in mind the person I struck was an instructor and told us in no uncertain terms 'if you are struck you stop and sit down where you are' he then had the cheek to speak later about people ignoring 'strikes' and refusing to sit down.

He taught me (unknowingly) a bit about humility, and not using an excuse.

Do any of you have examples of this?

PSA: S-Bound Skis on STP

Just a heads up, Sierra Trading Post has a large selection of the new Fischer S-Bound series available. If you wait for the right additional extra 35% coupon/free shipping offer in your e-mail inbox, the prices are quite reasonable. The S-Bound series sound ideal for rugged Nordic touring and off trail use.

Gifts from crows

I thought you all might like a look at this:

Whats particularly interesting is that one of these crows saw somebody lose something (a camera lens) and brought it back to them (placed it in regular depot in garden)

I think animals are alot more intelligent than we give them credit for - and perhaps a bit nicer than most humans!

Fischer E89 Crown Ski - 205cm

Almost new Fischer E89 Crown BC ski in 205cm length with NNN-BC Manual bindings. Used 3 times in very good cover. Zero scratches or dings.

Really fast, light waxless ski for track or backcountry.

Asking $250 + ship or pickup.

Brand New 75mm Ski Boots

Crispi Svartisen, size 38 Euro. Purchased from Europe (not easily available in the US) but size is too small. Cheaper to sell here for less than return ship.

$225+shipping or pick up/meet.



My name is Josh Vogel. I'm a Bjj teacher in Philadelphia, Pa. This forum has some amazing information on here, I look forward to learning and contributing!

Constantly badgering ! How a badger trains :)

Well I have decided to jump aboard the band wagon and put up a training log :) Things will be a little wild to start with as I am moving house 3 times in the next month (long story, don't ask) but then should quieten down. I figured I would start this now before I start moving hoping it will help keep me focused on getting in the gym :)

I will only be putting my weight training on here, might occasionaly put in some snippets from my MA training by that's going to be super variable for the next few weeks.

My weight training is a mix between powerlifting and body building styles of training, mainly low reps and heavy weights focused around compound lifts but with some isolation exercises and high volume sets thrown in for funsies :) Currently trying to do a squats day, chest day, core/cardio day, deadlfts day and an upper body day. If I get any extra time I try to get some extra cardio in. Also I don't work my back much at the gym as I do loads of pull ups through out the day (aim for 50 a day spread into as many sets as needed), door frames, trees, helicopter staging in work, anywhere there is something strong enough to hold me - not as many places as I would like lol

Current stats 186cm tall, 97kg heavy and approx body fat of 11% (varying between 9.5 and 12.5 depending on the mood my super cheap callipers are in.

So first session of this log :)

26/2/15 - legs !

10 mins gentle cycling to get the blood flowing

Squats 60kgx10 60kgx10 100kgx8 140kgx6 150kgx6 150kgx6 150kgx6 form was starting to fade by the last set but it wasn't too bad :)

Leg press machine 300kgx5 320kgx5 340kgx5 340kgx5 300kgx5 quads totaly dead by this point.

15 mins or so of stretching off and general mobility work.

Was a decent session but can't wait for my new lifting belt to soften up, it's only 2 weeks old and it digs in like mad around the hips.

How Do I Get My Son To Wear A Gi?

My son started Karate a few weeks ago and today his first Gi arrived. The instant he tried it on he started complaining that it is too big. So I asked him where? He pointed to his sleeve. I told him that it is supposed to be loose fitting like that, and then he proceeded to have a tantrum and now doesn't want to go to Karate any more.

How do I get him to understand that the Gi is supposed to be loose fitting so that he will want to wear it? I don't want him to quit just after a few weeks simply becuase he isn't used to loose fitting clothes.

Hunting Desert Falcons – the first known Arabic Cyber Espionage group attacking thousands of victims

Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team has discovered Desert Falcons – a cyber espionage group targeting multiple high profile organizations and individuals from Middle East countries. Kaspersky Lab experts consider this actor to be the first known Arabic group of cyber mercenaries to develop and run full-scale cyber-espionage operations.

- The campaign has been active for at least two years. The Desert Falcons started developing and building their operation in 2011, with their main campaign and real infection beginning in 2013. The peak of their activity was registered at the beginning of 2015;

- The vast majority of targets are based in Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Jordan;

- Apart from the Middle East countries focused on as initial targets, the Desert Falcons are also hunting out of the territory. In total, they have been able to attack more than 3,000 victims in 50+ countries globally, with over one million files stolen.

- The attackers utilize proprietary malicious tools for attacks on Windows PCs and Android-based devices;

- Kaspersky Lab experts have multiple reasons to believe that the attackers behind the Desert Falcons are native Arabic speakers.

The list of targeted victims include Military and Government organizations - particularly employees responsible for countering money laundering as well as health and the economy; leading media outlets; research and education institutions; energy and utilities providers; activists and political leaders; physical security companies; and other targets in possession of important geopolitical information. In total Kaspersky Lab experts were able to find signs of more than 3000 victims in 50+ countries, with more than one million files stolen. Although the main focus of Desert Falcons’ activity appears to be in countries such as Egypt, Palestine, Israel and Jordan, multiple victims were also found in Qatar, KSA, UAE, Algeria, Lebanon, Norway, Turkey, Sweden, France, the United States, Russia and other countries.

Deliver, Infect, Spy

The main method used by the Falcons to deliver the malicious payload is spear phishing via e-mails, social networking posts and chat messages. Phishing messages contained malicious files (or a link to malicious files) masquerading as legitimate documents or applications. Desert Falcons use several techniques to entice victims into running the malicious files. One of the most specific techniques is the so-called right-to-left extension override trick.

This method takes advantage of a special character in Unicode to reverse the order of characters in a file name, hiding the dangerous file extension in the middle of the file name and placing a harmless-looking fake file extension near the end of the file name. Using this technique, malicious files (.exe, .scr) will look like a harmless document or pdf file; and even careful users with good technical knowledge could be tricked into running these files. For example, a file ending with .fdp.scr would appear .rcs.pdf.

After the successful infection of a victim, Desert Falcons would use one of two different Backdoors: the main Desert Falcons’ Trojan or the DHS Backdoor, which both appear to have been developed from scratch and are in continuous development. Kaspersky Lab experts were able to identify a total of more than 100 malware samples used by the group in their attacks.

The malicious tools used have full Backdoor functionality, including the ability to take screenshots, log keystrokes, upload/download files, collect information about all Word and Excel files on a victim’s Hard Disk or connected USB devices, steal passwords stored in the system registry (Internet Explorer and live Messenger) and make audio recordings. Kaspersky Lab experts were also able to find traces of activity of a malware which appears to be an Android backdoor capable of stealing mobile calls and SMS logs.

Using these tools the Desert Falcons launched and managed at least three different malicious campaigns targeting different set of victims in different countries.

A Pack of Falcons on the hunt for secrets

Kaspersky Lab researchers estimate that at least 30 people, in three teams, spread across different countries, are operating the Desert Falcons malware campaigns.

“The individuals behind this threat actor are highly determined, active and with good technical, political and cultural insight. Using only phishing emails, social engineering and homemade tools and backdoors, the Desert Falcons were able to infect hundreds of sensitive and important victims in the Middle East region through their computer systems or mobile devices, and exfiltrate sensitive data. We expect this operation to carry on developing more Trojans and using more advanced techniques. With enough funding, they might be able to acquire or develop exploits that would increase the efficiency of their attacks,” said Dmitry Bestuzhev, security expert at Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis Team.

Kaspersky Lab products successfully detect and block the malware used by Desert Falcons threat actors.

Read more about the campaign on [IS1]

mercredi 25 février 2015

Kaspersky Lab Unveils Enhanced B2B Partner Program

Kaspersky Lab, one of the world’s fastest growing IT security vendors and the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions, has announced significant enhancements to its B2B Partner Program across the Asia Pacific region (APAC).

With businesses facing ever-growing security threats, the Kaspersky Lab APAC B2B Partner Program is specifically designed to support partners across the region in increasing their presence and expertise in the IT security sector. The program serves as a platform for collaboration between Kaspersky Lab and its partners, offering a wide range of benefits that provide partners with a competitive edge; including a focus on training, certifications, marketing support and rewards to ensure mutual growth.

Garry Kondakov, Chief Business Officer at Kaspersky Lab said, “With our continued efforts to further develop innovative security solutions that address market-specific needs, our partners will be able to focus on exploring new business opportunities in support of the development of their business objectives. Enrolling in our Partner Program will provide partners with access to a wide range of resources needed to develop expertise, drive business growth, increase customer satisfaction, and ensure visibility across the market.”

The newly enhanced program was developed with the support of feedback received from partners and is designed to correspond to partners’ business needs and objectives. The framework of the program will be based on a four-tiered structure, comprising of Registered, Silver, Gold and Platinum tiers.

The key program advantages include:

- 100% Partner Focus; with all Kaspersky Lab business products sold through partners. This is designed to ensure a focus on partners’ needs throughout the life of the program.

- Exceptional Profit & Growth; with Kaspersky Lab continuing to invest heavily in partners through lucrative deal registration and incentive programs. This is designed to help them surpass their sales goals, enhance lead generation, and strengthen joint business planning.

- Dedicated Partner Team; ensuring the provision of expert assistance from a highly responsive and comprehensive team of channel account managers, sales engineers and Kaspersky Lab expert marketing professionals. Additionally, a new feature of the program allows Platinum Partners to receive all Program benefits, including VIP access to some of Kaspersky Lab’s events and campaigns. Gold Partners will also receive quarterly business reviews, allowing for joint business planning designed to ensure continuous growth.

- Award-Winning Products; with 2015 marking the fourth consecutive year in which Gartner named Kaspersky Lab a “Leader” in the Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Solutions. Kaspersky Lab gives customers the power to protect their most valuable assets. More than 270,000 organizations and 400 million users around the world trust Kaspersky Lab with their security.

For more information about the partner program, please visit Kaspersky Lab’s Partner Portal at

About Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab is the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions. The company is ranked among the world’s top four vendors of security solutions for endpoint users*. Throughout its more than 17-year history Kaspersky Lab has remained an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for large enterprises, SMBs and consumers. Kaspersky Lab, with its holding company registered in the United Kingdom, currently operates in almost 200 countries and territories across the globe, providing protection for over 300 million users worldwide. Learn more at

* The company was rated fourth in the IDC rating Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Vendor, 2013. The rating was published in the IDC report "Worldwide Endpoint Security 2014–2018 Forecast and 2013 Vendor Shares (IDC #250210, August 2014). The report ranked software vendors according to earnings from sales of endpoint security solutions in 2013.

PC Fair 2015 Promotion

PIKOM PC Fair 2015 is here.

Head to our Tech Show Portal to ease your "hunting" sessions.

Some highlighted promotion below:

GDR 33 TWN - Promo Price: RM399 (FOC 8 GB SD Card)

Nuvi 42LM - Promo Price: RM299 (FOC 9 Countries Map)

Vivofit - Promo Price: RM399

Lost Frank Shamrock LHW title defense

At the time the UFC decided to remove this fight from the broadcast and play it in a best of package, so i only just recently came across it. It's by no means a relative example of the sport now, but it's a fun little scrap worth viewing, although i must admit, Horn has been given much more credit by people than i can honestly give him having now seen the fight, either way, enjoy.

Training in japan? got a few questions

Im considering the possibility of going out to japan to further my training post uni. My sensei had to close shop from illness and since then my 1st dan certificate has come through. While I'm dabbling in other arts right now (Bagua and a few other chinese styles) I'm thinking of heading to japan anyway and going to train with the top brass. I've found a hotel location thats walking distance and some target amount of cash for how much I think I'd need but I have some other questions.

1. While I was actively training with my sensei, I often heard of people going away as 1st dan's and coming back 3-4th dan, among claims that dan grades are given out like candy. Is this something to expect if I do go or is that just rumour?

2. Will I probably need to bring a lot of weaponry? I've got the usual mllarky of rubber shuriken, oak bokken and bo, tanto, wakisashi etc. If so, can there be problems getting that through customs?

3. How are visas? Im considering 3 months to be my length of stay and I think that's below the need for a VISA from the UK if I'm correct.

Ninjutsu School to Avoid

I saw this on Facebook and thought it warranted a repost here for safety reasons in case anyone's looking for a place to train in that area.

The school in question is calling itself the Ninja Order of all things, and was founded by Travis Maxson, who claims to have received a Menkyo Kaiden. He currently teaches the classes based on his style's syllabus, which includes the following:

  • Aiki Jujitsu

  • Yawara Jujitsu

  • Kano Jujitsu

  • Kodokan Judo (aka Kano Jujitsu, incidentally)

  • Yoshi Te-Geri Ryu Karate

  • Okugi No Jujitsu

None of these are ninjutsu, of course, so presumably he's claiming to teach these as add-ons to his main system. Five additional systems seems a little unlikely.

As with all bad ninja schools, there's some terrible swordwork. And naturally they put it on Youtube thinking it would actually be in their favour:

I think anyone who has been to even one iaido lesson will be able to analyse how bad this looks - for those that haven't it's utter garbage. It's literally like he only picked up a sword for the first time that day. Part of me is really hoping that this is a parody of his school and that he's not actually this bad, especially since the website indicates that they train with live blades.

All of this is bad enough, but the worst parts are truly awful:

  • There's a women-only class being set up

  • The founder is a convicted sex offender, having forced a female student to perform oral sex on him as punishment for touching his black sash without permission.

Full details of the case are available here, though it makes for some fairly harrowing reading. It's possible to cross check the profile against the sheriff's department profile page if you're in the area.

Now, he may well have served his time, but I wouldn't want any female friend or relative of mine to train in his school based on both his criminal record and his history of essentially setting himself up as a cult leader. Couple that with the fact that he's clearly passing himself off as something he's not and apparently teaching stuff he doesn't have a clue about, and you have one of the worst schools I've ever even heard of.

Clearwater Chapter TU 2015 Annual Banquet

43rd Annual Clearwater Chapter Trout Unlimited Banquet

March 14th, 2015

The Century House: 997 New Loudon Road (Rt 9), Latham, NY 12110

Doors open with hors d’oeuvres at 4 p.m.

Dinner served at 6 p.m.

Table-side menu choices to include Filet Mignon or Salmon or Rigatoni Oreganato

Live Auction - Silent Auction - Bucket Raffles - Card Raffles – Door Prizes Artwork – Fishing Gear – Tying Materials – Jewelry – Fly Rods and Reels – Gift Certificates

Reservations only available in advance $45 per person

Please go to:

Print a reservation form and mail it by March 6, 2015 with your payment to:

Mike and Kim Walchko

244 Quarry St.

Cobleskill, NY 12043

Make checks payable to Clearwater Trout Unlimited (Reservations will not be confirmed prior to the banquet)

Grand Prize drawing at the banquet: “The Blackjack” carbon fiber canoe by Hornbeck Boats with rowing package

Canoe raffle tickets are available: One for $5 or Five for $20. You need not be present to win.

All proceeds from this event to benefit local conservation of our cold-water resources.

Contact: Mike and Kim Walchko (518) 234-4192

Scary experiences

When training at a matsuri a while back I was paired with a guy who (apparently) had a bit of experience training with hard of hearing people (such as myself) He was very smiley, polite, and helpful for most of our sparring/randori training session.

But during one particular exersize, where you grapple a person to the floor and place your elbow into the uke's windpipe (very lightly) and if its too much you tap out.

This guy for some reason (after all the politeness) seemed to be hellbent on 'teaching me a lesson, he put his elbow right into my throat, full force. I tapped him (as told to if its too much) he knew I tapped him, and put a bit more force in - smiled at me - and I could just see he loved the 'power' he had over me. I tapped him quite a few more times (struggling for breath) and he ignored it (smiling all the time). When he got off me (I'm sure I was blue in the face by then) he just laughed and said 'relax!!'

I have to say I wanted to punch him in the face then and there (I could not have taken him most probably - im a big guy 6'3", but he was pretty well built - would of tried anyway just out of sheer anger) - I did not do anything as I was a guest at another dojo - but refused to carry on with him as a partner.

I let my teacher know straight away - and he just said 'that's how it goes sometimes'. (dismissively).

At the time I was genuinely frightened for my life (perhaps a good learning experience... but not expected).

I don't train with that Dojo any more.

Has anyone else had such experiences, or was I being a drama queen?

Can Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo or Japanese Jiu Jitsu be dangerous?

Can some of these throws or take downs be very dangerous?

I know guy that fell of bike and hurt himself.

A cop here does a Ju Jitsu take down and now the guy cannot walk!!!! Not sure if it was take down or the guy had osteoporosis of the bones.

Police officers threw guy to ground and he can never walk again.

Some one who has thin bones should not take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ,Judo or Ju Jitsu ?It can break bones?

My friend had an accident at work doing roofing and fell yes one story through the roof but he broke no bones strange.

3 night solo Feb 19 - 22, 2015

Not much new in this video other than it being a different weekend and some different views on winter camping camp tasks... I still have one more trip I'm planning for mid/late March. It certainty has been a good winter for camping.

Class in Wycombe Ringeck

I've found this HEMA group near me.

Simon has opened my eyes to the wonders of weapons work and I was wondering if anyone had experience with this group?

Is there any advice when starting HEMA about training mentality?

Indian Pass Conditions

Does anyone know if the trail from the Loj to "summit rock" is broken out? We we're hoping to go up Saturday (the 28th)

Hi there

I have been out of training for quite a while due to ear/balance issues - but now trying to get back into the swing of things. Originally trained with the Liverpool branch of the BBD and had a few visits to Dublin. I have now left both Liverpool (and the BBD) and am taking up training with the Bujikan.

So hello from me! :)

Diskless System Network Solution

MichaelSoft DDS support Windows 8.

Kaspersky Lab announces global security accelerator in partnership with venture industry leaders

Kaspersky Lab today announced a brand-new global initiative designed to identify and nurture new talent for the security industry. The Security Startup Challenge (SSC) is a mentor-driven acceleration program developed and implemented by the Kaspersky Academy in partnership with venture industry leaders, Mangrove Capital Partners and the ABRT Venture Fund SSC will provide startups with access to cutting-edge business, cybersecurity and cross-industry expertise from around the world.

Cyberthreats have become a global problem and their number and sophistication continues to evolve significantly. Kaspersky Lab currently detects 325,000 new malicious files every day. Last year, the company’s products detected and neutralized a total of 6,167,233,068 threats . In line with its mission to save the world, Kaspersky Lab is determined to detect and neutralize all forms of malicious programs and believes that building awareness, encouraging dialogue and running educational programs are all essential steps towards international collaboration in the fight against cybercrime.

Eugene Kaspersky, chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab, says: “As the cyberthreat landscape becomes more and more dangerous, the world needs new ideas, new concepts and new approaches to cybersecurity. As a result, there’s been a significant increase in venture funding of early-stage startups in the industry. Young entrepreneurs today have an excellent chance to build a truly successful company. Technology startups have been massive wealth-generators for their owners and for society as a whole over the last few decades. Our company was a startup not that long ago, and I can confirm that it feels great to fight the bad guys and build your own business from scratch while doing so.”

Running from March to August, the Security Startup Challenge 2015 will comprise a preliminary series of two-day workshops in Berlin, San Francisco, Singapore and Moscow. This will be followed a three-month acceleration program which will include distance team work and two bootcamps in Luxembourg, culminating in a grand finale event at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).

Online registration for the workshops and the main program is now open at The closing date for application is 28 April 2015. A special committee will conduct the selection process, identifying the individuals and teams with the most promising, innovative or exciting proposals. In all, 40 places are available at SSC 2015, offering founders of startup projects in cybersecurity and related areas, such as fintech, healthcare, mobile, the Internet of Things, and the Cloud, a chance to build their knowledge and compete for an $80K prize fund and post-program support.

Under the guidance of more than 30 experts, participants will gain a deeper knowledge of the cybersecurity industry, extend their business and startup skills, and learn how to harness the two areas to build a successful business. The program offers access to cybersecurity professionals, venture capitalists and seasoned entrepreneurs to help new businesses create a global professional network. While attendance at the workshops is optional and not essential in order to apply for the main program, they will provide participants with an additional advantage in terms of enhanced knowledge and skills.

“Technology megatrends such as mobile, cloud computing and the Internet of Things are leaving consumers increasingly, and unwittingly, exposed to cybercrooks. Perhaps more worrying is the fact that criminal syndicates operating on the Internet are as scalable as any other Internet-enabled business,” comments Michael Jackson, partner at Mangrove Capital Partners. “We need to innovate our approach to cybersecurity to meet the demands of this new hyper-connected world. This accelerator, the first of its kind, will bring together cybersecurity startups from all over the world and ensure that those which hold the most promise receive all the help and support they need to grow at internet speed.”

“Both consumers and businesses stand to benefit from innovation in cybersecurity. We believe that a collaboration of strong industry leaders with years of expertise and competence between them, can help talented entrepreneurs to achieve such innovation, and succeed in their goal to make technology products and IT infrastructure more secure. We are pleased to be joining Kaspersky Lab in its initiative to build a platform for such collaboration,” says Andrew Gershfeld, Chief Investment Officer at ABRT Venture Fund.

About Kaspersky Lab

Kaspersky Lab is the world’s largest privately held vendor of endpoint protection solutions. The company is ranked among the world’s top four vendors of security solutions for endpoint users*. Throughout its more than 17-year history Kaspersky Lab has remained an innovator in IT security and provides effective digital security solutions for large enterprises, SMBs and consumers. Kaspersky Lab, with its holding company registered in the United Kingdom, currently operates in almost 200 countries and territories across the globe, providing protection for over 400 million users worldwide. Learn more at

About Mangrove Capital Partners

Mangrove Capital Partners ( is a leading early stage venture capital firm. Its team chases bold, transformational ideas around the world, with a combined focus on Europe, Israel, India and Russia.

Mangrove works with top entrepreneurial talent at the earliest stages of innovation, with the aim of being the first institutional investor: the firm has co-created projects and regularly injects funds prior to product launch, often in unproven, unusual or unfavoured technologies. Its team brings rich and diverse experience in industry as well as technology, and its entrepreneur-centric approach ensures founders have the support, encouragement and experience they need to build disruptive, global companies.

With $750 million under management, Mangrove has the capacity to support its portfolio through multiple rounds of financing and is the largest shareholder in many of its best performing companies. Founded in 2000, Mangrove has invested in more than 70 companies, including Skype (sold to eBay), (Nasdaq:Wix), Brands4Friends (sold to eBay), Nimbuzz (partially sold), Freedompop and KupiVIP. Mangrove has consistently featured among the top performing venture capital funds in the industry.

About ABRT Venture Fund

ABRT Venture Fund ( was established by Ratmir Timashev & Andrei Baronov, the founders of Aelita Software, which is known for being sold to a Californian company Quest Software for $115 mil in March 2004. ABRT Venture Fund operates in US, Israel, UK and Eastern Europe and is focused on multiple stage infrastructure software investments. Portfolio includes Veeam Software, Acronis, Firemon, StarWind, Five9, KupiVIP, OkToGo, and others. ABRT team is referred to be one of the top leaders among infrastructure software experts.

Practicalness of Kyokushin Karate

Ok so i tried a self defense karate class called kokondo and i hated it there was no fighting to it and it made me realize i love the fighting type of training and lately ive had my eyes on kyokushin karate but im not having much faith in it sence its designed for sport and how they neglect blocking lunches to the face but is that really a big deal i mean if they can block punches to the stomach why not the face and they also have to block kicks to the face as well so i wanted to know what you guys think of kyokushins practical usefulness if you had to defend yourself

mardi 24 février 2015

grading intervals

Hi all,

been doing Wado Ryu for 6 months now, every weekend for a 2 hour class and usually a 1 hour class mid week if I can get there. My first grading is due in a couple of months which is for white belt. My club seems to grade each student once a year and I was wondering if that is the norm? I know grading is less important than the knowledge/skill that you have but it's nice to have a goal...

Cross training - Karate and Tae Kwon Do?

I have been considering starting to train Shotokan Karate as well as continuing to train Tae Kwon Do (1st Dan Black Belt). I think it would be beneficial to be proficient in a different style as I love Martial Arts, but others have told me it would not be. I am not a beginner and practiced Karate for 7 years at a younger age. Has anybody else cross trained with these two styles or what is you're opinion of this? Many Thanks :)


Hi all. Lerker for awhile and now looking to network and gain knowledge and just have fun. Always been an outdoorsman and now have tackled high peaks hiking. Did my first high peak last spring and knocked out 7 over the summer. I'm preparing now for my first winter high peak going to do Cascade and Porter in a few weeks. Looking to read up on equipment, expierences, etc

didn't see an intro thread (using my small phone) so mods feel free to move. Thanks

Knife shopping in Cebu - tips?

Hey gang - long time no see ;)

I'm currently on the Cebu leg of my latest trip to SE Asia and i thought i'd get out there and do a bit of knife shopping. Normally i buy US/Euro makes, but i figured i'd see what the blade experts in the PI have to offer. Having done a bit of research, the general advice tends to be to stay away from budget balisongs/folders, inspect the handles for cheap materials and structural weak points, and to consider investing in a hand-made custom (provided you can make reliable contacts who won't take you for a ride).

Any blade afficionados with Cebu experience on here? If so, care to offer some tips to a fellow blade-barmy-bro? :D

Power rangers.. NSFW

So the 90's called and roped me right back in.

This is only a very well made fan fic but still its fantastic and likely would be a very successful movie series if they were made in this style. In the end i doubt anything will come of it but still it is a nice thought.

It even had decent acting, though the edge on edge contact was cringe worthy.

I nearly felt like a kid again, I was so stoked for this. OMG Ill be daydreaming about this for a bit.

An analysis of Holly Holm vs. Ronda Rousey...

I read this article and found it really well put together but it covers a level of attention to technique that in humility I admit is a bit beyond me. I was hoping some people with more knowledge might be willing to weigh in on this.

Healthy Food is like Ritalin to Me

I find it makes me sort of robotic. I struggle to smile at people and be as happy as I normally am. I also feel like I'm less creative, or as good in general at sparring.

On the upside my recovery time is amazing, and I can go for longer.

Someone has said I maybe have an emotional attachment to sweets. Does anybody know more on the subject?

Looking for MY art.

I would like to begin a Martial Art that teaches history, honor, self control, defensive/combat skills but also has room for a spiritual aspect. I want to really feel like I'm part of a community Does an art like that exisit?

Hard training in mma

Excellent short article on the role of hard sparring (striking) in MMA training.

The author is saying a limited amount of hard sparring is preferable for long term ability as hard sparring is too injurious to be productive.

What do you guys think?

Personally I now do no striking at all, (class times and work clash) but in judo and bjj I roll hard maybe 60 minutes a week, and spend the rest of my time lightly (the other guy isnt however) rolling to avoid injury and gain better timing.

The Triangulation of Verplanck Colvin

Learn how the father of the Adirondack Park had a part in creating John Boyd Thacher State Park outside Albany.

Filipino Martial Arts in Melbourne

Hey guys,

This is my first time posting here. I have wanted to start a learning a Martial Art for a long time now, and after a lot of searching I have decided I really would like to try some Filipino Martial Art style, in particular Kali.

I'm a bartender, and I'm just tired of the continual routine that I'm stuck in, because I'm not really sure what I'm doing with my life; and I truly think that being able to train in a Martial art will smooth things out a little, and break up the week.

The only problem is that I know where to even start looking for an instructor. Does anyone know of anyone good in Melbourne who doesn't charge an absolutely exorbitant amount of money?

Thank you in advance!!

3 Do's and Don'ts during PC Fair.


1. Do check out the provided floor plans.

2. Do some research on the products that you plan to buy.

3. Bring a sling bag instead of a backpack to help prevent.


1. Don't littering the halls, keep the brochures and leaflets inside your bag.

2. Don't be afraid to negotiate hard with stand sales personnel.

3. Don't eat and drink in the hall, note that no food or drinks are allowed in the halls.

affordable phone with worth able plan?

I need some recommendation...I m thinking of getting a new smartphone with affordable price.any ideas?prefer it comes with valuable and worthable plan or package from telco

Where to Park for PIKOM Fair??

If you are driving to the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) to attend PIKOM Fair (I) 2015 this weekend, here are some money saver parking spot you can check out.

Avenue K

First hour: RM3.00

Subsequent hour: RM1.00

After 10PM: RM10.00 per entry

Takes less than 15 minutes to arrive at the KL Convention Center by foot

Should the weather take a turn for the worse, you can cross the tunnel link from Suria KLCC to the Convention Center

Hotel Novotel KL

Costs RM5 per entry on weekends

Takes less than five minutes to arrive at the KL Convention Center by foot

Located at the hotel basement area

Open air parking beside Menara AmBank

All-day rate of RM7

Parking Lot beside Wisma UOA

Monday – Saturday

First hour: RM2.00

Subsequent hour: RM2.00

After 6PM-8AM: RM3.00 per entry

Sunday & Public Holidays

Entry: RM3.00 per entry

Other charges

Lost ticket: RM30.00

*The rates stated may vary, please proceed with caution.

KLCC Parking Rate

Parking rates

First hour : RM4.00 per hour

Subsequent 2 hours : RM3.00 per hour

Subsequent 4 hours : RM4.00 per hour

Entry between 6.00pm -10.00pm (Exit before 6.00am) : RM8.00 per entry

Entry between 10.00pm – 6.00am (Exit before 10.00pm) : RM4.00 per entry

Lost ticket fee: RM50.00

Apacer Announced Waterproof “Star Wish Drive” flash drives

Apacer’s newly launched AH154 “Star Wish Drive” USB 3.0 flash drive gives you the touch of romance inspired by star sand wish bottle. With the star sand totem on the ocean blue and cloud white dual-color body, this flash drive gently keeps your precious memories and wishes from the past. The AH154 “Star Wish Drive” is available in four capacities, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, and is proved waterproof, dustproof and shockproof so as to protect valuable memories from various situations.

“We all remember that we have once received a glass bottle filled with white star sands. We sealed our wishes in the bottle with a cork and waited for them to come true.” For many people, star sands carry numerous romantic memories. Each grain of pure white and perfect star sand represents unforgettable memories and promises. In the digital age, let’s open the sealed memories and carry with us at all times to remind us that there's a dream to be fulfilled.

This is a romantic idea of the Apacer’s design team to turn the AH154 “Star Wish Drive” into a star sand bottle of the digital age. The ocean blue and cloud white dual-color design represents a refreshing sea style. AH154 is elegantly cast to symbolize star sand totem, and adopts a natural style enabling everyone to secretly keep romance in heart.

The AH154 “Star Sand Drive” has a compact and light body with IPX7 waterproof features, as well as dustproof and anti-shock characteristics so as to protect each piece of memory against any accidental situations in life. The delicately designed ocean-blue chain enables the AH154 “Star Wish Drive” to be hung on the bag, key ring or mobile strap, while the cap holder design also helps to carry along all valuable memories and wishes!

The AH139 USB 2.0 is simultaneously launched with the AH154 “Star Wish Drive”. The AH139 features aqua blue and pure white dual-color design rendering a fresh and relaxing taste. It’s available in three capacities, 8GB, 16GB and 32GB to provide consumers with diverse choices. The AH154 “Star Wish Drive” is perfectly compatible with Windows 8, 7 operating system and Mac OS, and supports the plug-and-play function with no need to install a driver. With the exclusive free-of-charge ACE compression software, the AH154 can further increase the capacity by up to 500%, more than sufficient memory storage.

lundi 23 février 2015

Do you really hit each other in karate?

Im asking you this because one of the kids I sometimes train, wants(well, his father wants him to) do karate instead of taekwondo. His father sais that taekwondo is too dangerous and also that in karate, you do your move (a kick or a punch) but you dont really hit each other. Is this real?

Also, the first thing i noticed is that you dont have protections, but in a fight I saw something under your uniform (gi?). What is that?

Thank you for all answers, Im very intrested also in Karate and I think that I could take it up

test mp4 embed

doesn't work, nvm

Waterfront with a Boat

Looking for general recommendations, have an 18 ft bass boat and wanted to know if there were any campgrounds that have waterfront campsites that I can beach my boat at. Any suggestions outside of Sacandaga Lake.

Backyard MMA

my friend runs a backyard league

Video removed pending mod discussion. Link has been saved, and if thread is re-opened I will put the video back.

Problem with my son's stepfather.



Hi! I'm Chiara /kiara/. I'm 16 and I live in Milan, Italy. Looking in the posts I haven't seen anyone form Italy...

However, I've been doing Taekwondo WTF for 8 years now, black belt, 1st dan. Love it. It has helped me in very difficult periods of my life.

I lately decided to start studying another MA (in addition to Taekwondo, I won't stop). But I don't really know which one, and where to start to choose. So I thought that this might be the best place to find it out e learn many new things!

Nice to meet you all!

A Big 'Hello' From the UK

Hi All

Been lurking in the shadows for a good few months and thought it was high time to sign-up!

My names Adam, I'm from the UK and have been training in GKR Karate since July 2013. Currently 7th kyu, readying up for grading to 6th kyu in the next month or so (hopefully).

In the past have tried Shotokan and Ishinryu (way back in the early 90's) and then 2+ years of PKA Kickboxing towards the end of the 90's.

I quad skate once or twice a week for fitness and which has/is actually benefiting the 'balance' aspect in my karate.

So.. 'Hi' everyone......looking forward to joining in on the forum ;-)

Warm regards


Pilot Knob preserve

Anyone hiked in the Pilot Knob preserve recently? I’m curious what the conditions are like.

My cny gambling experience

Been gambling every new year with relatives. Is always a lose lose situation. I lose and be unhappy or i win and feel bad for taking relatives' money. How many of u feel this way too?

Thankfully i found this site

Winning money from strangers always feel better. I feel the live casino is so much more better than simulated casino games provided by the other sites. This site provides instant withdrawal.

Watch movies and live football matches free directly through IOS and Android

Want to share with u guys this entertainment site. So far this is the only site where I can stream live football matches and movie through mobile platform flawlessly for free!

dimanche 22 février 2015

Does anyone here practice yi quan?

I study Han Shi Yi Quan in Sacramento, California with Martin Wong. Martin is a former student of Sam Tam (yi quan) and Henry Look (guang ping yang taiji, hsing i, ba gua). I studied taiji and hsing i with Henry until I came to Martin 16 months ago.

Here are some videos of what we do.

How do you train your yi quan?


Need karate workout

Hi I'm starting Kenpo classes in 2 months (new classes begins this date) and I'm looking for a workout to get back in shape a little bit before it begins.

I am not really sure what to look for in a martial art workout so this is why I am seeking help. I would need cardio too because I'm out of shape at the moment. I'm 26yo 5'11'' and only weight 70kg if this matters.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you

2/22/15 Balfour mountain (Vanderwhacker WF)

On the drive up, I heard Bill Withers "Lovely Day" song on the radio - kind of apropos for the day I would have (weather wise). I parked on the shoulder of Route 28N near the public boat launch for Balfour Lake. Put on my snowshoes, and headed out. Dropped down to the shore, and then crossed the frozen, narrow lake. Got to the other side and then headed up to a viewpoint that I had programmed in my GPS. It was a steep climb which was made much more difficult by the deep, loose snow. The snow did not stick together at all, and just slid right off on the steeper parts. Each step forward felt like two steps back. I eventually reached the viewpoint. There was a metal sign fastened to a fallen tree which was the Cat in the Hat from the Dr. Seuss book - probably the oddest thing I have ever seen in the woods. There was also a hand painted sign nearby with the Serenity Prayer. I continued uphill to the southern summit and then to the northern one. I am not really sure which one is higher - they look about the same. I turned around and followed my track back. It was a bit easier on the return. This little mountain kicked my butt today. Lots of sun and not too cold (upper 20s). There was enough of a breeze that it had covered my tracks across the lake when I returned.


Slickest BJJ Advert Ever!

Eddie Bravo:

Bohdi Sanders is a big, fat, liar!

Oughta paint his face blue like Paul Giametti (s?)

DOCTOR Bohdi (as in Bodhidharma, get it?) is in the process of scrubbing his 492 web sites about himself to remove all fake claims about his education, awards, training, and credentials...looks like he is going to war with some of his former celebrity martial arts book endorsers who are disgusted by the fact that he is a total fake and a complete jackwagon.

Anyone else out there had any experience with DOCTOR PhD clownshoes?

Bust keyboa9rd? :)

I think my keyboard is bust.

Quite simply, when I press the R key I get '9r'. If I use caps I get '(R'.

When I press the F key I get 'lf'.

It happens in browsers and documents.

Is my keyboa9rd bust o9r is something mo9re dubious going on?!?

Khmer Boxing

Watching some khmer boxing. They just had what looked an mma event with one thai and one cambodian and the thai was muay thai fighter Johmod who I used to watch all the time.

This is a recent khmer match up.


Im moving house soon and have been looking into clubs in what will become my new area. One club really jumped out at me for all the wrong reasons and i thought i would share it here and see if any one knows any thing about the organisation.

The club belongs to 'Lee Mathews British Military Martial Arts' an organisation run by an x para who claims a fairly impressive karate and kickboxing background. For some reason (£££?) Nigel Benn is also involved as an 'ambassador' what ever that means. They run training courses costing between £500 and £1500 (apparently ELCAS approved) and you are then qualified to run your own club through their franchise system.

To me it seems a McDojo trying to simultaneously con military leavers out of their ELC, paly on the marketing value of 'mma' and sell the idea of the military being experts in hand to hand combat. Judging by the claimed franchise earnings


This varies from Instructor to Instructor but on average you can earn between £20,000 - £30,000 per annum, but the sky really is the limit!

they will be charging quite a lot for the privilege.

Does any one have any personal experience of this group?

samedi 21 février 2015

looking for video of a bo kata

Hello, all!

I'm looking for a video of Kenshin Ryu bo Shodan. My shihan never seems to get around to finding footage for me. :P :/ Domo arigato! :)

Full contact gladiator fights in 2015!

In short awesome protective TRON suits full of sensors to gauge impact and damage. Full contact weapon fighting is here! I for one would love to test my weapons skills in something like this!

I hope it gains momentum. I'm really curious to see how styles of weapon use would evolve in a full contact, resistive environment. I foresee grappling being a big deciding factor initially as it's always played a big role in weapon combat, the suits will pretty much negate the impact of most striking, and there are plenty of wrestling and mma schools around.

It kind of worries me to some extent though as you'll get similar issues to modern sport fencing. Near mutual hits possibly scoring for whoever hits first, ignoring attacks because they don't cause significant damage, not accounting for bruising/broken bones/limb injury... But it will probably still be fun to watch.


Imagine for a moment what it’d be like if we resurrected gladiator fights in the modern day.

Not that American Gladiator, bodybuilders-shooting-tennis-balls-at-substitute-gym-teachers nonsense either. I’m talking proper Roman gladiator fights. Full contact, no-holds-barred, Russel-Crowe-style deathmatches broadcast on national TV.

Fat chance, right? The world we live in is much more civilized than the one the Romans inhabited, and that kind of brutality just isn’t considered a valid form of entertainment anymore. Nobody would stand for it.

“Our objective is to promote a new global combat sport, with weapons.”

But what if you took out the whole human slaughter part out of the equation? Imagine if you could toss two trained fighters into a ring, give them whatever weapons they want, and and let them go full-on Spartacus on each other without anyone getting seriously injured. With the death element removed, even the most die-hard pacifists would have to admit that it’d be pretty damn entertaining.

In a nutshell, that’s exactly what Australian startup Unified Weapons Master wants to do. The company’s founders are on a mission to bring back weapons-based fighting, and have spent the last few years developing a way for weapons-based martial artists to fight without eviscerating each other in the process.

“For us it’s about honoring, preserving, and reigniting interest in weapons-based martial arts — arts that have sort of slowly drifted off of people’s radar since the invention of gunpowder and projectile weapons,” explains UWM co-founder and CEO David Pysden. “Since then, there’s been no forum in which to see weapons-based marital arts practiced, and we want to change that.”

“Our objective,” he says, “is to promote a new global combat sport with weapons. So the unified in Unified Weapons Master is about bringing all the different weapons arts from all around the world together in a single competition. There’s roughly 300 distinct martial arts practiced around the world, and of those styles, 96 of them are either entirely weapons-based, or have a significant amount of weapons-based training in their curriculum. What we want to do is bring all of those styles together in a competition, much like UFC did with mixed martial arts.”

The only problem is that, barring all-out death matches, there’s really no way for weapons based martial artists to really test their skills. When you’re practicing with, say, a battle axe or a katana, you can’t actually follow through on the last shot because there’s a pretty good chance you’ll murder your opponent.

So how exactly do you facilitate a weapons fight without actually killing anybody? In a word: technology.

The suit

To make all of this possible and enable this sort of next-gen gladiator fighting, UWM’s founders have spent the past two years engineering a special suit called the Lorica — a name which literally translates to “body armor” in Latin. But don’t let the name fool you; this thing is much more than a series of hard plates designed for protection. The suit does do that, of course, but protection is just one part of the equation.

“The armor itself is made out of a sort of sandwich of high-performance materials.” Pysden tells us. “On the outside there’s some impact- and penetrative-resistant materials such as carbon fiber, and beneath that there’s a bunch of polycarbonate material and elastomeric foam, which is impact absorbent.”

If you check out some of the demo videos the company has put together, you can see for yourself what Pysden is talking about when he says “impact absorbent.” There’s footage of a guy getting repeatedly beaten over the head with a staff, and it doesn’t seem to faze him even the slightest bit.

“We deliberately over-engineered the suits, for obvious reasons,” he says. “Our chairman and co-founder, Justin Forsell, has tested the suit himself, and we’ve done that with world-champion martial artists. So in other words, we’ve put the best people available up against guys in the suits and had them attack with traditional martial arts and weapons-based martial arts, and the suits have passed with flying colors. They are very, very well built.”

But under the hood is where things really start to get crazy.

Underneath all that carbon fiber and impact-resistant foam, the Lorica is outfitted with a dizzying array of sensors, all of which are designed to detect when a given part of the armor is struck. The suit uses a combination of piezoelectric shock/vibration sensors and accelerometers to measure not only where a fighter lands a hit on his opponent, but also the approximate severity of the blow. Amazingly, all of this data is collected by the suit in real time during a fight and beamed wirelessly to a special ringside computer system that keeps score.

The scoring system hasn’t been fully ironed out just yet, but according to Pysden, UWM’s custom-built software draws on medical research to calculate the damage that would’ve been inflicted on an unprotected body. Therefore, once the system is finished, it’ll presumably work a lot like an old-school arcade fighting game: Every time a fighter is dealt a blow, his or her health bar will drop by an amount commensurate to the severity and location of the hit. So in other words, when the first UWM fights kick off in 2015, they’ll probably look a lot like Mortal Kombat, but in real life.

But of course, you can’t have a proper live-action arcade-style weapons brawl if both fighters are lumbering, heavy-footed human armadillos. A good fight requires a certain measure of agility, so in addition to all the armor plating and sensor tech, UWM had to design the Lorica in such a way that it still allowed freedom of motion.

“We had to solve a bunch of problems before we built the prototypes” Pysden explains. “People have been building armor for thousand of years, but what they’ve never had to do before is encase all of this technology in the armor and make it work. But more importantly, when the knights were fighting back in the medieval days, they weren’t throwing kicks to the head. They were generally on horses or on foot, and typically weren’t using marital arts as part of their combat. That’s the big difference here — we wanted to develop suits where you had the articulation and mobility to fight as you would in unarmed, unarmored combat, but to be able to do that with weapons.”

Round two

UWM has made some impressive progress in the past couple years, but building the suits was only half the battle. They’ve still got a long road ahead of them before fights begin. At present, the company has produced four working prototypes of the Lorica, so for now, the next step is finalizing the design and building production versions of the suit.

“We’re hoping to hold competitions by early next year, so we’ve still got some more work to do to build the production models of the suit and take the software up to world-class quality,” Psyden says. “But we’re close to finalizing our Series B round of funding, and once we do that we’ll have the resources we need to build out those production versions of the suit.”

When the first UWM fights kick off in 2015, they’ll probably look a lot like Mortal Kombat, but in real life.

After that, it’s game on. By the time the first suits roll off the assembly line next year, Psyden says UWM should already be holding the first rounds of competitions in Australia. The plan is to hold the first first few bouts as small, private events, and use them as a sort of beta-testing program to make sure everything runs properly and iron out any wrinkles in the scoring system.

“From there, we want to slowly build things out,” he says, “and get feedback from those guys on the build, the scoring system, and how it all works. Then we want to slowly improve that until it’s ready to launch on a larger scale. Eventually, we want to hold competitions in countries all around the world.”

“We’ve got the historical European martial artists chomping at the bit to take on the various Asian styles, and we can’t wait to see who comes out on top there. We’ll have knife-fighting champions, sword-fighting champions, staff fighters — all those different styles will be able to compete against each other for the first time. What we eventually think will happen is certain styles and certain weapons forms will actually come out on top, but we won’t know that for sure until we start competition.”