mercredi 25 février 2015

Scary experiences

When training at a matsuri a while back I was paired with a guy who (apparently) had a bit of experience training with hard of hearing people (such as myself) He was very smiley, polite, and helpful for most of our sparring/randori training session.

But during one particular exersize, where you grapple a person to the floor and place your elbow into the uke's windpipe (very lightly) and if its too much you tap out.

This guy for some reason (after all the politeness) seemed to be hellbent on 'teaching me a lesson, he put his elbow right into my throat, full force. I tapped him (as told to if its too much) he knew I tapped him, and put a bit more force in - smiled at me - and I could just see he loved the 'power' he had over me. I tapped him quite a few more times (struggling for breath) and he ignored it (smiling all the time). When he got off me (I'm sure I was blue in the face by then) he just laughed and said 'relax!!'

I have to say I wanted to punch him in the face then and there (I could not have taken him most probably - im a big guy 6'3", but he was pretty well built - would of tried anyway just out of sheer anger) - I did not do anything as I was a guest at another dojo - but refused to carry on with him as a partner.

I let my teacher know straight away - and he just said 'that's how it goes sometimes'. (dismissively).

At the time I was genuinely frightened for my life (perhaps a good learning experience... but not expected).

I don't train with that Dojo any more.

Has anyone else had such experiences, or was I being a drama queen?

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