vendredi 27 février 2015

Harris Hill, Hammond Pond Wild Forest 2/25/15

Finally got the chance to climb Harris Hill on Wednesday with my friend Jason,

while spending the night at our friend's cabin located near the base of the

mountain. We got a bit of a late start, but after getting all set up at the camp

we headed out the door, and started uphill through deep powder.

Before long we had great views toward the Dix Range under blue-bird skies.

As we climbed higher, we were rewarded with more open views toward the

west, with Ensign Pond Rd below.

We climbed a little higher, where the winds really started to pick up, and

enjoyed the growing view which now included Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge.

After a short break and an hour & a half of breaking trail up the mountain,

we decided to head back down to the cabin to make dinner, saving the other

two summits for another day.

After supper, we enjoyed some cold beers and some good tunes beside the warmth

of the woodstove, where I was on the losing end of a game of chess and a

game of spades. :mad: :banghead:

In the morning we made breakfast, and closed up the cabin.

Before heading home, we took a few rides in our Jet-sleds down the hill

along the trail to the camp, which I recorded with my Iphone.

Unfortunately, it was very difficult to hold the phone and steer,

and I crashed a few times lol... :rolling: ...

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

...and here, Jason shows us how it's done:

Video 4

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