jeudi 26 février 2015

What has taught you humility?

At a Matsuri I attended a while back, we were all put into groups (with a black belt the head of each).

The rules where, if you was struck by a weapon - you stopped, and fell 'dead' to the floor.

In this particular instance, I hid behind a bush, and got lucky, struck the leader of one group square on the neck.

His response - turned around and stabbed me (like a dead man would do...)

When I said I just struck you, he shrugged and ran off to join his group.

Meanwhile - a white belt had snuck up on me (from another group) and stabbed me in the back.

At first I was going to say ' I was in conversation with this teacher' (about 'whatever', but changed my mind to stop being a hypocrite.

Bearing in mind the person I struck was an instructor and told us in no uncertain terms 'if you are struck you stop and sit down where you are' he then had the cheek to speak later about people ignoring 'strikes' and refusing to sit down.

He taught me (unknowingly) a bit about humility, and not using an excuse.

Do any of you have examples of this?

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