lundi 23 février 2015

A Big 'Hello' From the UK

Hi All

Been lurking in the shadows for a good few months and thought it was high time to sign-up!

My names Adam, I'm from the UK and have been training in GKR Karate since July 2013. Currently 7th kyu, readying up for grading to 6th kyu in the next month or so (hopefully).

In the past have tried Shotokan and Ishinryu (way back in the early 90's) and then 2+ years of PKA Kickboxing towards the end of the 90's.

I quad skate once or twice a week for fitness and which has/is actually benefiting the 'balance' aspect in my karate.

So.. 'Hi' everyone......looking forward to joining in on the forum ;-)

Warm regards


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