samedi 21 février 2015

I think I met a psychopath the other night.

Unfortunately I ran across this crazy mixed guy at the bar other night. He seemed okay at first, then like a switch he just started getting upset about everything and taking everything at a slight against his race. He started poking the bartender's nose and telling him he needed to learn more Chinese. I didn't see that part. However later he mentioned that Chinese people always make eye contact and when I disagree'd, he started insulting me and getting aggressive.

All I had said to him was "not usually." Literally two words about how people physically look at each other. And that was enough to set him off.

My Chinese friend beside me was trying to keep me calm. When I had enough I got up and created space. And then I told him sternly that he was insulting me and disrespecting me simply because I had disagreed with him based on my own experience and what local Chinese people had discussed with me before. I then told him not to disrespect me like that again.

My Chinese friend got him to calm down and the crazy guy came over to apologize. I thought that was the end of it and for me it pretty much was.

We all went out for food after, and he kept getting upset over every little thing other people said. One thing he said was, and I am not joking, was "I'll gladly sacrifice my teeth to hit you." He said things like this a few times.

When me and Crazy guy were talking privately at the restaurant, he told me that he has a serious ego problem and that, again not joking, kept going on about how handsome he is. He then told me that when he was young, his fat friend committed suicide and he just laughed it off.

Normally I would just chalk it up to the alcohol, but this guy was definitely a narcissist and very possibly a dangerous one at that.

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