dimanche 22 février 2015

2/22/15 Balfour mountain (Vanderwhacker WF)

On the drive up, I heard Bill Withers "Lovely Day" song on the radio - kind of apropos for the day I would have (weather wise). I parked on the shoulder of Route 28N near the public boat launch for Balfour Lake. Put on my snowshoes, and headed out. Dropped down to the shore, and then crossed the frozen, narrow lake. Got to the other side and then headed up to a viewpoint that I had programmed in my GPS. It was a steep climb which was made much more difficult by the deep, loose snow. The snow did not stick together at all, and just slid right off on the steeper parts. Each step forward felt like two steps back. I eventually reached the viewpoint. There was a metal sign fastened to a fallen tree which was the Cat in the Hat from the Dr. Seuss book - probably the oddest thing I have ever seen in the woods. There was also a hand painted sign nearby with the Serenity Prayer. I continued uphill to the southern summit and then to the northern one. I am not really sure which one is higher - they look about the same. I turned around and followed my track back. It was a bit easier on the return. This little mountain kicked my butt today. Lots of sun and not too cold (upper 20s). There was enough of a breeze that it had covered my tracks across the lake when I returned.


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