jeudi 26 février 2015

Constantly badgering ! How a badger trains :)

Well I have decided to jump aboard the band wagon and put up a training log :) Things will be a little wild to start with as I am moving house 3 times in the next month (long story, don't ask) but then should quieten down. I figured I would start this now before I start moving hoping it will help keep me focused on getting in the gym :)

I will only be putting my weight training on here, might occasionaly put in some snippets from my MA training by that's going to be super variable for the next few weeks.

My weight training is a mix between powerlifting and body building styles of training, mainly low reps and heavy weights focused around compound lifts but with some isolation exercises and high volume sets thrown in for funsies :) Currently trying to do a squats day, chest day, core/cardio day, deadlfts day and an upper body day. If I get any extra time I try to get some extra cardio in. Also I don't work my back much at the gym as I do loads of pull ups through out the day (aim for 50 a day spread into as many sets as needed), door frames, trees, helicopter staging in work, anywhere there is something strong enough to hold me - not as many places as I would like lol

Current stats 186cm tall, 97kg heavy and approx body fat of 11% (varying between 9.5 and 12.5 depending on the mood my super cheap callipers are in.

So first session of this log :)

26/2/15 - legs !

10 mins gentle cycling to get the blood flowing

Squats 60kgx10 60kgx10 100kgx8 140kgx6 150kgx6 150kgx6 150kgx6 form was starting to fade by the last set but it wasn't too bad :)

Leg press machine 300kgx5 320kgx5 340kgx5 340kgx5 300kgx5 quads totaly dead by this point.

15 mins or so of stretching off and general mobility work.

Was a decent session but can't wait for my new lifting belt to soften up, it's only 2 weeks old and it digs in like mad around the hips.

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