samedi 28 février 2015

Practical usefulness of Olympic style taekwondo

Hello ive recently fell in love with taekwondo but every school i find is about the sport side of taekwondo which bothers me because what im going for is to be a great martial arts fighter but one that is practical for self defense and everyones going on about how sport martial arts arent good for the street and i can see why they say that plus the school im going to like never goes over punches or hair grabs shoulder grabs etc. but then when i look for a more practical martial art everyone says all martial arts are good you should do what works for you and i definently feel taekwondo works for me but the fact that its for the olympics and we like never punch or go over self defense techniques like grabs or throws really makes me have serious doubts about what it is i am doing so i would like to hear from some experienced WTF TaeKwonDo martial artists about what has been bothering me and please give me your martial arts background so i know who im listening too thanks in advance

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