mardi 22 novembre 2016

Groff Creek Falls

Went out for a short hike last Saturday to enjoy the last day of the warm fall. I have really grown to love this area as it is never populated and is fairly close to my base camp. This ravine in particular reminds me of growing up in the Helderbergs where my friends and I had a nice spot for years. Anyway took the short hike up to one of the taller falls and dropped down in for lunch. I was again impressed with my small dog Cooper and his agility at climbing as any of my larger dogs probably would have stayed up at the top by the trail and watched. It was a beautiful day and the water was flowing at a good pace so it wasn't hard to find the falls. The moss was weeping with water all around giving a surreal and beautiful lunch spot. Thought I would share some cell phone pics (nothing pro here). Only saw one hunter on the way out around 3pm. It looks like they are going to be logging a lot of the private land on the jeep road in as there were multiple markers on the trees.

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