lundi 28 novembre 2016

Where to buy sai?

I've started learning kobudo recently and sensei told us we are soon going to be using sai/nunchaku and if we can buy them, it would be great.

I received some explanations about what to look for, but wasn't yet able to find sai that have all the things sensei told me would be good. Like a handle wrapped with a string instead of potentially slippery leather imitation. And the two shorter tips not overly wide.

I am looking for an octagonal shaped sai, somewhere between 46-49 cm of lenght, preferably chrome, but the material isn't all that important, just my preference.

There are shops that sell sai in my country but sensei said they had some flaw generally. He loves his Shureido sai, but they are not easily available now, I heard. I would be happy to have them, but if they're as expensive as I found at one shop, I'm not so sure I want to pay as much. The preferable price would be 60-80 USD.

Does anyone, by chance, have any tip where to find a sai like that (string, octagonal, 46-49 cm, not too wide at the base)? I'm all ears! If you know about any Shureido sai, I would be happy to get the info, too. :) Of course, shipping from abroad doesn't matter.

Any advise about what kind of sai to look for is olso welcome, of course. I have an idea from sensei, but I have zero experience myself.

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