samedi 19 novembre 2016

The latest on Eastern Wolves

Has been given the name Algonquin Wolf to avoid confusion with Eastern Coyotes.

Genetic purity of the species has been restored in areas without hunting. Like Gray Wolves hybridization occurs only when the pack structure is under human induced pressure.

The latest DNA evidence proves the Algonquin wolf is not a Gray Wolf nor is it a cross between Gray Wolves and Coyotes. It is a distinct species that evolved independently in North America long before Gray Wolves entered North America from Asia.

For those wishing to see wolves return to the ADK's established packs of pure Algonquin Wolves have taken up residence in protected areas between Algonquin and Adirondack Park. Unfortunately these are isolated and vulnerable pockets. Perhaps another reason for a greater Algonquin to Adirondack Wildlife Corridor.

The Algonquin Wolf lack the adaptability of Coyotes and Hybrids. They are forest dwellers and feed exclusively on beaver and whitetail deer. Coyotes and Hybrids eat everything from berries, grass, bugs to rodents and only occasionally deer. They are not as tolerant of hunting and trapping pressure. They form a social structure similar to Gray Wolves with smaller packs.

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