mardi 29 novembre 2016

Trees Gone at Boreas Ponds & LeBier Flow

Chatting with my friend Bill today, and while going over some photos & video
of our past visits to the area it was noticed that some trees have been
removed near the dams at both LeBier Flow & Boreas Ponds sometime between
mid July and early October.

We were there in early May just after the area became part of the Forest
, and then again in early July when the trees were there, but then
in early October they were gone!

I can't believe that we didn't notice this sooner, but here are a few photos
below to prove it.

Which raises the questions...

Was this legal?

Was it to try & preserve the view?

Perhaps some sort of an anti-wilderness attempt to prevent the dam areas
from ever becoming too natural looking in the future?


LeBier Flow - May 6, 2016:

LeBier Flow - October 8, 2016:

Boreas Ponds - July 13, 2016:

Boreas Ponds - October 8, 2016:

Boreas Ponds - July 13, 2016:

Boreas Ponds - October 8, 2016:

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