samedi 19 novembre 2016

Meat eater reviews. Faux meat.

So, all this global warming stuff has made me curious about fake meat. I have tried TVP and what not before and hated it.. Just so bland, and the texture is nothing like meat..

Well, I read a review about Beyond meat Burger, saying it is so close to real, and it has amazing taste. So I head to the store to pick It up and give it a try. Sadly when I get there, they have half the product line but no burger..

So I pick up a bag of there Beyond grilled chicken and a bag of their Feisty ground beef. I have not eaten the beef yet.

Here is the Nutrient information. Servings per bag, 3. Bag size 9oz. (at. $3.99 this is not cost effective compared to $1.99 a lb for chicken breast.)

120 calories per serving.
3g Fats, 0 sat fats, does not list the others.
0 cholesterol.
Sodium. 350mg per serving.
Carbs. 5g
dietary fiber. 2g.
Protein. 20g.
Calcium 6%
Iron 15%

Ingredients. Water,Soy protein isolate, pea protein isolate, chicken flavor.(Yeast extract, maltodextrin, natural flavoring, salt, sunflower oil, citric acid)
Rice flour, expeller pressed canola oil, soy fiber, carrot fiber, .5% or less white vinegar, spices, salt, sugar, molasses powder, dipotassium phosphate, titanium dioxide(for color) potassium chloride, paprika.

So here I sit with a cooked up portion of the grilled chicken.

Right off the bat they got 2 things right and wrong. Firstly, they got the look of the strips perfect. They look identical to grilled chicken. But the first thing they got wrong was the smell. It was a musty kind of smell, nothing like the baked skinless boneless chicken breast I had near me. It was not a strong smell, but it was noticeable. In fact you can't miss it.

They also did not manage to get the texture/feel of the food correct. Mouth feel especially is wrong. It is too soft. My chicken breast chunks that I made, were "denser" feeling, while these Beyond chickens felt like they were at least 50% less dense. They were far squishier then real chicken. All in all, they felt, both on the finger and in the mouth nothing like chicken.

Now the important part. Taste. This was a unsurprising letdown. The package says they added chicken flavor but I tasted none. Taste was nothing like the real chicken chunks I compared it to. It had a vague "Planty and Earthy" taste to it. Its hard to describe the taste of a boneless skinless baked chicken breast, so I will let you use your head for that. But the taste was not right with this fake meat. Combine the strange taste, with the wrong texture and mouth feel, and it had a negative impact on the taste and perception of it.

The smell left me with the initial feeling of, "this smells unappetizing." Sadly the taste made that feeling all the worse.

Now before I get accused of going in with a bias, you would be correct. I went in expecting to love it. I love good food regardless of where it comes from. I was really really hoping to try the companies Beyond Burger, which sadly was not there. I really am trying to give non meat proteins there fair shake. All I care about is smell and taste, it has to taste good and not smell like moldy earth. I asked my Autistic Son to try it. From across the room, he goes, "No." I asked him why, and he simply says, Delete repeated word smells gross." Like many kids on the spectrum he has very sensitive senses. My wife is also on the spectrum, and she hated it as well, both smell and taste. She said it tasted like it was not seasoned, and that it to her tasted like Unseasoned Ground Turkey. Which in her words, "Always needs a little help."

So, I am going to wait till dinner time, and try again with the Ground Feisty Beyond Beef. I hope it is the same beef as they use same meat they use in their very popular burger. I also hope that the burger shows up at Meijers soon.

If I had to choose between this fake meat, and just getting my protein from normal sources, ie beans and cottage cheese and other vegan places, then I would never eat this.

Any suggestions for other non meat alternatives that will taste amazing? I am also looking forward to Impossible foods burgers as well, but that is years away.

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