dimanche 21 mai 2017

Gracie purple belt that quick...is this possible?

So about 3 years ago I stopped taking Chun Kuk Do which is basically Chuck Norris style tang soo do. I got an upper level belt but stopped because of the McDojo business that CKD was beginning to turn into (join this, buy that). After I left, in about 2015 the school I went to starts offering Gracie Combatives and from what I understand Chuck said basically all his schools had to offer some type of Bjj training. Within about six months and a trip to Torrance the owner is a blue belt and is now a Gracie CTC. Flash forward to the present and hes a purple belt. I'm not trying to open a can of worms here but is that possible? I'm a newbie to bjj so what I thought was it takes years to accomplish?

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