lundi 22 mai 2017

my first no gi bjj class

I heard from a friend about a new no gi bjj class in Telford. He spoke highly of the instructor, and I had met him at a couple of open mats, so I thought I'd check it out! I've been doing traditional Jiu Jitsu for a couple of years now, so the warmup, shrimping, breakfalls, and granby rolls, wasn't too challenging technically, but it was good to do, especially with the skill mix.
We then moved on to drilling, escape from side control and mount, using the principles he had spoken about in the warmup.
Then it was rolling time! A quick talk about rules and safety, and we were underway. My first roll was with the heaviest guy in the class, and I partnered him for that reason. I wanted to work my guard game, and as he had some experience he was a good test. I almost got a couple of arm bars and triangles, but he stacked up and I was forced back to closed guard. I tried a couple of sweeps, but again, no go. He got one kimura locked on, and managed a pass into side control, but with an estimated weight difference of 40-50 kg,(65 ish to maybe 110) I was pretty happy with my guard game overall.
Then, I got to roll with the Instructor. I was not happy with my guard game anymore! He would pass, submit, then explain. Quite a good roll, learning wise. I need to slow down, and not panic flail.
Then I rolled with a day 1 beginner, and absolutely battered him, smashing his head open on a wall. I AM THE ALPHA. ;) only joking! Had him working from mount, getting used to staying stable, then from back, with slight resistance with him locking in a nice rear naked!

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