samedi 20 mai 2017

Scare Mongering

This has just been sent to me by another member of MAP saying it's preying on people's fears, so let's take a look.

The instructor's credentials seem impressive.


A rare opportunity to train with Israel Cohen, senior IKMF expert level 3 global instructor. Israel Cohen's career includes over 4 years in the IDF Shayetet Unit, 1 year as a SWAT Team Leader (parachute), 12.5 years in ISA VIP Protection Unit and is still active in the Military.
So now to what's offered on the course.


This course has been specifically designed to increase your chances of survival in the event of a terrorist attack in a public place. As well as escaping hostage situations, disarming terrorists and using their weapons against them, the seminar will also focus on how to move, react, respond, navigate in low-level lighting and extract yourself from public places such as pubs, clubs, shopping malls and other environments in the event of a full-scale terrorist attack.
I have many questions after reading that, such as is this a week long course, is it residential, do I need to have a military background, are real or blank firing weapons going to be used, what protective equipment is going to be provided and much more.

Let's read on.


This is a must for all students but especially for those traveling abroad as it also covers increasing your awareness and how to take preventative steps to reduce the risk of being caught up in a dangerous situation. This training is not often available and is not to be missed.
"A must for all students." So it's aimed at existing Krav Maga students, so in what time frame am I expected to take on and be proficient in the course material?

Answer - 3 HOURS.

Do the instructors really expect their students to be proficient at disarming a terrorist in just 3 hours of tuition?

Just dealing with the legal ramifications would take a complete seminar.

Take a look back at some of the recent terrorist attacks and you'll recall people have lost their lives.

If you are teaching students to deal with this you have to have committed and well drilled attackers and from the clips I've seen it's not the case.

There are plenty of Israel Cohen videos on You Tube. I'll let you do your own research there.

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