mercredi 31 mai 2017

Karate Is the Most Complete Stand-Up Martial Art and Combat Sport

First of all, I insist on the ‘stand-up’ aspect of the comparison. I am not comparing Karate to ALL martial arts and combat sports. I am comparing it to STAND-UP martial arts and combat sports.

In a WKF style fight, you can 1.punch, although punches are limited to straight punches and back fists. You can 2.kick with EVERY kick Taekwondo brings to the table (except the axe kick). Still, you are not allowed HITS under the belt. BUT, what you can do in Karate that you can’t do in neither boxing, kickboxing or Taekwondo, is 3.sweep and score on a taken down opponent! This alone makes it the most complete stand-up sport.Also, because the matches have for final goal to score more points than your opponent, all the focus is on speed and not impact power. What this allows is for strikes ANYWHERE above the belt, including the back and the back of the head! You’re allowed using all four limbs, you’re allowed scoring EVERYWHERE above the belt, AND you’re allowed going for the legs with the sweeps, which I repeat are exclusive to Karate.

The traditional art also teaches many grabs, holds, self defense, joint controls and locks, all the punches from boxing, leg kicks. Karate has many forms, like Taekwondo, called Kata, that one performs while focusing on technical precision and breathing. Kata are also more dynamic than Taekwondo forms, making them more interesting to watch and perform.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am saying Karate is the best martial art there is. In fact, I am saying that there is no better Martial Art, only better Martial Artists.

I wrote a bit more on Boxing, Kickboxing and Taekwondo in the full article right here:

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But do please carry on with a discussion of karate, or any other martial art!]

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