dimanche 25 janvier 2015

Eyesight and sparring


I'm a third dan in Taekwondo and I'm currently working towards black belt in Shotokan karate and since I started Karate 4 years ago I've struggled in sparring, particularly against fast opponents and those who are taller than me. In my TKD it's WTF style and there isn't a great deal of contact so it was a shock to join Karate where they actually hit each other. Anyway while I feel I do well with Katas and combinations, sparring is really letting me down and I'm not suure why I'm so poor at it.

It seems like when I spar my eyes keep shutting when someone goes near my face, it's like fighting with my eyes closed and I flinch away really easily. I'm not sure whether this is to do with my eyesight as I'm quite long sighted and have a touch of astigmatism. With TKD it was purely kicking which is a bit more long ranged and we did very little near the head but within karate we get a lot closer and while we don't punch to the face we can hit the side of the head.

It's really embarrassing since I just seem to stand there wondering where these attacks are coming from since my eyes keep closing or are half closed.

Does anyone have any advice? I'm female by the way and not particularly aggressive. I don't wear glasses or contacts or anything to training either. Never have done.

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