jeudi 29 janvier 2015

How effective does Hapkido ,other martial arts like ‪Aikido‬,Judo work on big person

Aikido use striking, joint locks,flipping, throwing techniques joint manipulating. Hapkido is similar to Aikido a bit more throwing techniques and striking and kicking techniques similar to ‪Taekwondo‬.

Some of these flipping and throwing techniques may look awesome but I wonder how it would work on big person.

Checking some youtube videos and looking a pictures people are small not fat, really fat, big, bodybuilder, biker or big like a bouncer.

So how can small skinny guy or small skinny girl weighs like a feather do these moves on big person.When they are like 60,100 or 150 pounds more!!

short clip on youtube on some of Hapkido moves.

I read it takes 10 to 15 years to you really get good at these moves.

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