lundi 26 janvier 2015

Good cubicle workouts for the deskbound...

Like the says, I am offering a few and looking for a few. I

I am stuck in a cube most of the day at work, and am not fortunate enough to have an awesome sit stand desk. While being deskbound I do go and walk around my building on my breaks barring lunch. Using my desk and puching my chair out in the isle I can and have been doing the following.


Inclined pushups

Inclined planks (full arm extension)

---Not sure of the actual names

Leg stretch (Leg fully extended with other foot on the ground)

Leg stretch 2 (leg bent at the knee toes on the desk)

in both of the above stretches Ill slowly bend the knee of which ever foot is planted and bring my self closer to the ground and hold the stretch for a breif time and come back up.

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