samedi 31 janvier 2015

tong bei, conflicting information.

Ok so I'm looking at the Tong Bei systems. So theres Qi style and Shi style. Apparently a Tong Bei Tang Lang system exists but outside of Plumb publications I cant find anything.

Now I gather Tong Bei isnt common outside of China, but theres something I have found on something called 'Baiyun Tong Bei' which seems to talk a lot about 'white ape' and 'the feel of the ape' from what I am reading (though states to not be an imitative animal style). Is Baiyun Tong Bei just the full name of what most know as Tong Bei (which I seem to be gathering).

Also, I seem to be getting mixed information online. A few websites I am finding talk about it being without flowery movements and are focused on short combat drills based on the principles (which sounds more like how I was trained in Bujinkan) and then other places are saying there are absolutely tonnes of forms and the 108 basic movements, that some Tongbeiers spend their entire lives learning. I take it this might be down to different teachers or something in each of these Tong's thats different in their schools of thought?

Anyone whose done any of these, I'd be grateful for any information. Baiyun sounds interesting from what Im reading (the one described as being the 'original' and less forms based one, if this is true or not though, i remain open to other info)

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