mardi 27 janvier 2015

Killer instinct?

Following on from the "if you want real fighting, sign up or join the police" thread I think the discussion on what killer instincts are deserves its own thread to avoid derailing that one.

There seems to be multiple interpretations of what killer instincts are ranging from the very literal 'desire to kill' to any kind of drive that can apply even outside combat aplications. There also seems to be some disagreement on weather or this is an innate characteristic or a learned skill.

Il start with my opinions. I think of killer instincts quite literaly, the willingness to escalate force with either disregard for the consequences (sociopathy?) or a belief you are doing the right thing (self defence). I think this is a skill if your doing so within a legal construct (eg self defence of warefare) and can be taught. Some people seem to be born thinking his way and I think (my opinion-nothing to back this up with) that is a possible sign of mental health issues like possible sociopathy or psychosis.

I think the will to succeed is a different trait and can exost quite seperatly from the ability to be violent. Professional drive can exist without any violent predisposition or conditioning.

Discus away :)

P.s. Mods please tie in posts from the other thread you feel will fit here :)

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