mardi 27 janvier 2015

Raquette Lake Campout, Boucher Point 1/24/15

Camped out at Raquette Lake with a couple good friends this past weekend. We hiked in from North Point Road, and camped at one of the lean-tos on Boucher Point, which was about a 30 minute walk along a snowmobile trail, and then across the ice. Weather turned out to be gorgeous on Saturday afternoon, then turned a bit windy, chilly, and snowy during Sat evening and Sun morning. We were just fine though, thanks to the Stewart's firewood that we brought along. I icefished for a while, but only had two flags, and one lake trout that was just shy of a keeper. All & all a great weekend with great friends!

A few photos...

Sled riding down the hill to the lake:

Crossing the bay, gear in tow:

Jason stacking firewood while Johnny relaxes in the lean-to:

View northeast past Boucher Point:

Sunny view south from Boucher Point:

Nearing sunset, just before the clouds rolled in:

Cheers to good times! :

Jason & Johnny enjoying the campfire:

Group photo, Johnny, Jason, & Justin

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