lundi 16 février 2015

2 sides of the same coin?

Here we have a situation that , at least theororetically, could be of interest to all grappling proponents.

The first link shows that at least one BJJ group is now affiated with the BJA. The second link shows that there are some in the BJJ world that think this is a bad idea. I can see the points from both sides (although who knows truly what the truth is for either side). I wonder whether we, at least those in the grappling commuinities, are best to stay in our own little groups/orgs, or learn to work with each other and seek out people who are like minded and also want to preserve/better their own arts.

Judo has had at least 3 different orgs with BJA representing at least 2 of the 3 when it comes to participation in sports events. Is there a chance that having a central group made up of people from all grappling communities might help us all to get funding from the government or at lest recognition for our arts? Or are we better off preserving the purity of what we do off on our own?

Thoughts people?


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