mardi 25 octobre 2016

Am I eating enough on days I train?

So I tried out Muay Thai last night. I liked it and will go back.
I got a headache afterwards and it got worse when I lay down to go to bed, and my head felt hot.
I think I'm having enough water--my pee stays pretty clear all day. (Had ~140oz of water yesterday.)

It may be that I am not used to that level of exertion, though I was able to do the whole class. I have been training JJJ 3-4 times a week (1 hour), so that helped me get to a reasonable fitness level to make it through 2 hours of Muay Thai.

I'm 280lbs. Online calculators, when I put in that I'm moderately active (3-5 moderate sports/exercise sessions per week), say I should eat ~2800 calories to lose 2lb/week.

To maintain weight I would need ~3800 per day.
I eat ~1900-2100 per day.

Sample day:

luna bar (190 cal, it has 9g protein, 6g fat, 26g carbs)

2 cups white rice, 1/2 cup chicken, 1/2 cup cod, beans, various fruits & vegetables in a bowl (pineapple, kimchee, onions, etc).
Ate about 70% of it. (guesstimating 450 cal)

1 bao bun with pork belly (~150 cal)

Snack before muay thai (~2 hours before):
1/4 cup cubed turkey, 6 cherry tomatoes, 1/4 red bell pepper, 1/4 cup of carrots.
(guesstimating 150 cal)

Second snack before muay thai (~1 hour before):
Fig & blueberry bar (whole wheat giant fig newton, basically. 180 cal, 5g fat, 4g protein, 34g carbs)

Dinner after muay thai:
spinach leaves, ground turkey with riced cauliflower (~1-1.5 cups), cheese (maybe 3-4 tablespoons), diced tomatoes (4 tablespoons), sour cream (maybe 2.5-3 tablespoons), crushed tortilla chips (maybe 1/2-1 cup)
(Not really sure on calories for this one... maybe 600-700?)

Snack before bed: 1.5 bananas (~150 cal)

Is that enough on days where I train? Trying to figure out if it was "my body isn't used to this yet" vs "I didn't get enough fuel".

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