dimanche 23 octobre 2016

CyberSecurity Malaysia and Kaspersky Lab Seal Memorandum of Understanding On Countering Cyber Crimes

CyberSecurity Malaysia, an agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kaspersky Lab, a global cyber security company, to strengthen Malaysia’s cyber resilience trough exchanging threat information exchange and building capacity to combat cyberthreats.

CyberSecurity Malaysia reported 9915 cyber security cases in 2015, a large increase in reported cases as compared to only 1,038 reported cases in 2007. Industry watchers believe that the 2015 reported numbers are only the tip of the iceberg.

The global perspective underscores the seriousness of cyber attacks. According to Kaspersky Security Network data, Kaspersky Lab solutions detected and repelled 171,895,830 malicious attacks in the second quarter this year from online resources located in 191 countries and territories all over the world.

In an effort to build capacity to withstand cyber-attacks and tackle transnational cybercrime, CyberSecurity Malaysia and Kaspersky Lab have signed a two-year MoU on partnership that emphasizes information sharing and intelligence collaboration in areas related to cyber threats toward Malaysia’s critical infrastructure and government agencies.
The MoU will also benefit security experts at CyberSecurity Malaysia through the continuous education initiatives with Kaspersky Lab security specialists, who are acknowledged to be among the best in the world.
The ceremony was witnessed by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia, YB Datuk Seri Panglima Madius Tangau

“Cybercrime is on the rise not only in Malaysia but also globally. The skill set, knowledge and tools required to protect organisations and individuals from cyber threats.CyberSecurity Malaysia plays an integral role in setting standards to keep Malaysian cyberspace safe from any cyber attacks. Thus, we need to work with the various parties including international cybersecurity experts such as Kaspersky Lab. This MOU is to collaborate with Kaspersky to equip our team with the knowledge and skills in order to be more effective in protecting our cyberspace,”said Dr. Amirudin Abdul Wahab, Chief Executive Officer of CyberSecurity Malaysia.
“This partnership is continuation of our close relationship with Kaspersky , and it certainly help CyberSecurity Malaysia develops effective solutions to mitigate cyber threats ad build resilient cybersecurity ecosystem,” added Dr. Amirudin.
According to Maxim Mitrokhin, Managing Director Asia Pacific, Kaspersky Lab: “We are honoured to have entered in a Memorandum of Understanding with CyberSecurity Malaysia. Kaspersky Lab believes that collaborative initiatives through intelligence exchange and training will propel more effective and efficient access to information, supporting Malaysia’s efforts to build a truly cyber-resilient ecosystem”
“Enterprises and government agencies across the region are subjected to a vast array of cyberattacks. Sophisticated threats are constantly emerging and cybercriminals are developing techniques to overcome the security measures. This MoU is a great platform for Kaspersky Lab to support Malaysia efforts to protect its public services, ordinary users and local businesses through sharing our knowledge and experience” added Mitrokhin.

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