mercredi 26 octobre 2016

My old kung fu school / teacher

A very long time ago, I trained in kung fu for a while. I lived it but life got in the way and I stopped going.

Ive since trained, and continue to train, in other arts. But curiosity is niggling.

I've Googled it but can find nothing.

Has anyone heard of any of this: the style was called Mo Gik Mun. The head man went by the title of grandmaster James Lung. He had a number of schools in the UK. He also sold traditional Chinese potions for various things.

The style was very brutal, but also contained meditation. I remember there being five stances modelled on animals, but other than the cat, I can't remember what animals they were. Fighting stance was like in karate but more relaxed and with the guarding hand open. Blocks were generally big actions pivoting extensively at the hips and legs to make like a coiled spring to come back with a strike. Emphasis was also on simultaneously blocking and striking, or getting out the way aikido style (move in at an angle) and striking as you go.

Anyone know it?

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