samedi 29 octobre 2016

Jumping kicks - why?

This is not style/art specific. We train a number of jumping kicks. It seems to me that most are utterly pointless.

I've considered that they may be mind training. Ie they teach confidence perhaps. But I think if that's true for some, I think I've given up on the idea that that's the main reason.

Consider something simple like a roundhouse. I can launch a fast, powerful nd accurate roundhouse in sparring. If it does miss, I can recover from it very quickly and turn it into something else.

Contrast that with a jumping roundhouse. Now I have more to think about. It takes me longer. It uses more energy. I'm more likely to end up off balance. And if it misses, there's less I can do about it.

Same is true for all varieties for jumping front kick, certainly or jumping back kick, and flying side kick.

I'd say the exception is the step through kicks which are excellent or closing a gap rapidly but still have one foot on the ground for at least most of the technique.

What do others think? Am I missing the point?

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