mardi 25 octobre 2016

Sleeping Systems...

I'm in the market for a new warmer weather sleeping bag, and am considering a few options, and thought I'd get some opinions and insights from the group.

A few considerations:
  1. I loathe mummy bags, so that's out.
  2. I have a fall bag rated to 15F, and a winter bag to -40 - both are Montbell Super Stretch UL bags, so the mummy part is OK because of the designed stretch
  3. I have an opportunity to stick with Montbell and buy their #5 (40F) for around $150
  4. But - I am also considering an Enlightened Equipment Revelation quilt...

Thoughts on a good summer temp range? If I go with the quilt, I'm debating between the 30F and the 40F...
Anyone have any experience with quilts vs. sleeping bags? (and no, I'm not a hammock dweller, and doubt I will ever become one)
Thoughts on EE as a brand? Any experience with them?

Thanks all...I'm pretty sure I can count on this group to hold opinions on this subject!!

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