lundi 24 octobre 2016

First full Bohurt yesterday.

I have been training Bohurt for a few weeks now mostly due to lack of armour (its darn expensive) I have been mostly been doing alot of pell work and sparring with training weapons and Daido Juku type helmets.

Yesterday was a open session (last before a big tournament in Flanders) so we had a lot of people down.
After a wrestling session it was time to arm up and go outside for group and singles sparring. One of the fighters competing in Flanders had turned up really ill and could not face training in armour so kindly, knowing I am keen to progress in the sport offered me use of his armour so I could try out full Bohurt rules sparring.

First thing I really noted after getting into my armour was how heavy the helmet was and the strain on my neck, I also had a problem with my right leg plates preventing me kicking on that side but better than nothing.

The week previous when sparring without armour I had been using footwork to pretty good effect, in armour as I was warned its a different kettle of fish and pretty tiring so had to work around that.

It felt pretty weird holding the sword in metal gauntlets maybe as I could not feel my grip on the sword and was concerned about losing my sword. all of the sparring/pell work I had done to this point was without gauntlets so this is something I will work on.

First fight started with an exchange and a few good shield strikes and me dropping kicks to the legs from the outside to get to clinch to pushing into a nearby fence so I could try and work for a throw. ending up fighting for position and throwing knees and headbutts. Fighting in armor is possibly one of the most tiring things I have ever done.

Second fight, really strong opponent with good sword skills so clinched and he was really good at controlling my head in the clinch (I can still feel it the day after), The felt liner in my helm slipped so was practically fighting blind for a while.... Gassed after a couple of minutes and finding gym fit and armour fit is not the same, recommended to get a weighted vest for my stamina work.

Hooked and really glad I got the opportunity and a lot to work on, pretty much a noob in this sport and pretty humbling and unforgiving but getting an idea of my strong areas and areas much in need of improvement..

Got some recommended contacts for procuring my armour once I choose a western or eastern European style so I can get into competition with the rest of the team..

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