vendredi 28 octobre 2016

Sticky Situations - And How You Got Out of Them

This thread is for people who'd like to share stories of dangerous situations and how they got out of them, whether it be verbally, behaviourally or through self-defence or in any other way. These stories may be helpful for those who may find themselves in similar situations in the future.

I'll begin.

I'd like to share a story, consisting of a fateful night in my varsity years, in which the events got progressively worse as the night progressed to the point where I was genuinely in fear for my life and well-being.

One Saturday evening, I was with a friend of mine and his girlfriend and we decided to go out clubbing with his cousins. Earlier, we had been at a barbecue at the cousins' place and later that night, we all went together to the club in separate cars as there were a few of us.

Inside the club, we all kind of spread out and did our own thing. I was sitting at a table in the back. My friend's girlfriend was at the table in front of mine. She was quite drunk and was half-passed out on the long upholstered seat, separated by a barricade inbetween the tables. They were kind of like diner chairs. I remember I saw a bit of her jacket sticking out from behind the seat and I stayed close, keeping an eye on her. Her boyfriend was somewhere else, doing his own thing leaving me to look out for her, which I was happy to do because of her current state.

A while later, one of his cousins comes up to the table in front of me and I don't think he saw me. He looked visibly drunk and he sat down next to her and leaned his head towards the dance-floor, making as if he were just minding his own business and I suddenly saw his right arm sliding towards my friend's girlfriend. Before I knew what happened, there was a commotion and she rose up, grabbing the guy's necklace and started accusing him of slipping his hand up her skirt and she was getting quite hysterical. I rose up quickly and approached, asking the both of them what had happened.

She started telling me how she felt him trying to cop a feel under her skirt and asked me to call her boyfriend. The cousin ditched the scene as quickly as he arrived and my friend came over a few moments later. She managed to hold onto the necklace, which was a good thing, to prove the cousin actually was there.

Since she was quite out of it herself to explain it all, I pulled my friend to one side and told him what had occurred and told him I strongly felt that his cousin did in fact try to take advantage of her and that she wouldn't lie about something like that and that I'd seen it with my own two eyes, his proximity, her being passed out etc. It all fitted. My friend didn't believe me at first but I reassured him and then he flipped. He was furious with his cousin and spoke with him outside the club. He came in minutes later and I think the cousin smooth talked his way out of it because my friend acted as if nothing happened.

From that moment on, I never left her side and stayed close to her at all times, to the point where I actually had my arm around her, especially at the front of the club, where my friend wanted to buy more drinks at the bar. All the time, I kept asking him to drop her and I off as we both lived in the same area. Much to my consternation, he still wanted to stay a while longer!

Eventually we left and we dropped her off at her place, safe and sound and I was instantly relieved. My friend and I then went to another club down the street and about a half hour later, I was about to call it a night, when he told me there was another party going down on the other side of town. Sick of his antics and carelessness, I told him no, but he wouldn't take no for an answer and completely lied about where we would be going and kept nagging me and telling me we wouldn't be long.

I then made a huge mistake. I agreed to it, believing his bull, and we got picked up by another cousin of his and we ended up...going to the exact same club we had left earlier from before. When we got there, I told his cousin I'd be waiting in the car. I was pissed. My friend stayed in the car as well and I tore him a new one, telling him he couldn't do this to people and be so reckless.

Eventually his other cousin got back from the club and instead of taking me home, he told me he'd only be able to drop me off in the morning. He then drove us around to the house where we had the barbecue earlier which belonged to the family of the cousin who tried to cop a feel on my friend's gf earlier. They were apparently still drinking inside. I decided to stay in the car again and to try and sleep until morning as I had seen enough alcohol and drama for one day.

My friend went into the house and came back a bit later and sat in the rear-seat. I was still pissed at him and told him to just let me sleep till daybreak. A few minutes later, the cousin who tried to take advantage, gets into the back-seat as well and he starts talking with my friend. Out of the blue, my friend starts questioning his cousin again about what happened earlier and they were both more drunk. When the cousin asked who told him this, my friend pointed towards me in the front passenger-seat.

It was at this point, that I felt a hand grab the back of my head, by my hair and he pulled backwards slightly and I started hearing the guy swear at me. I grabbed his arm and yanked it off and asked what he was doing. When he asked me if I had said this, I told him what I saw and what my friend's gf had said and also mentioned the necklace. I refused to be intimidated by this vile guy and decided to stick with the truth no matter how much this guy tried to strong-arm me.

The cousin lost it even more and at this point my friend told him to get out the car and started shouting. The cousin replied he was going back into the house to grab his gun and he would be coming back to shoot me.

At this point, I felt some genuine panic start to give way to fear as I realized that they in fact had a gun in that house. Someone else told me earlier and the cousin seemed drunk and angry enough to do something rash like that. Emotions were high. I remember swearing at my friend for getting me into this. We were in a dangerous neighborhood too and I had nowhere to go, even if I left the car.

A few short moments later, the cousin comes out again and comes up to my side of the car and gestures for me to roll down my window and I refused, locking the doors. His hands were empty but he still looked furious at me and started threatening to beat me up, that he was going to call all of his other cousins out from the house and all beat me up (although I don't think the others had even known what was going on).

That's when I opened the car-door. Not to fight. I wanted to reason with the guy, to calm him down, to try and defuse the whole situation. He must of seen this as an act of aggression on my part because the minute my door was open, me still seated, he came up to me and stuck a finger in my face and tried to gouge my eye but missed. That's when I lost it myself and found myself rising out of my seat. already halfway out of the car. For a brief moment, I saw red and every part of me wanted to lay into this guy even though I had no martial arts training or anything like that.

That's when I felt my friends hand on my shoulder and he told me not to. I then calmed as I realized if we got into it on the street, the other cousins from inside the house would be jumping me in no time and who knows what would have happened then? I closed the door and locked it again. The cousin suddenly walked away.

My friend went inside to talk to his cousin. Minutes later, the cousin comes back out again and comes up to me and apologizes. I mean, genuinely apologizes. Tells me he didn't mean to and even called me Mr or sir or something like that, even though were were all in our early to mid 20's. I then told him it was OK, we were all drunk (I really wasn't) and he went off.

My friend asked me to go inside and drink with all of them but still recovering from the adrenaline rush and volatility of the evening, I told him I just wanted to sleep and frankly, didn't want to be near the stuff.

The next morning, I was dropped off home by the other cousin. I told him what happened, everything and he told me that he and his other cousins would have indeed jumped me if I'd gotten into a scrap with the guy, regardless of what he actually did to that girl and even though I hadn't been the one instigating the fight in the first place. Luckily, I had listened to my instincts in that moment before I closed the door.

When I got into my apartment, the first thing I did was, I rang up a girl I used to date who did taekwondo and told her about what happened and I arranged for my friend's gf to take up classes there.

I then discovered she didn't get past the first lesson because the boyfriend didn't like it or couldn't handle the drills even though he played rugby and he thought the instructor was arrogant or something. So they both never went again, even though she felt it was awesome.

Long story short, I'm not friends with that guy anymore and I don't think she's with him anymore either.

Will never forget that night. Felt like I barely scraped through that one...

What would you have done?

Please share your stories as well. What did you think of mine or the way I handled it?

Much :heart: and courage friends


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