mercredi 3 mai 2017

Krav Maga Course

I've just been hit by a bad case of the D3adleez. Just Kidding...

Since dropping Taijiquan and having to focus a bit more on my fencing club, and because my work hours have been a bit messed up of late, I've really just been doing Boxing as my main go to base, and even then only once or on the occasion twice a week with some light sparring when I feel like it. Basically I've slacked off a bit.

Seeing as my holidays are also a bit messed up this year I'm having to take short stretches when I can. So I hit on an idea, but I would like a second opinion.
There is an organisation in London that teaches a short 18 hour Krav Maga course over 3 days. Please see below

Now before you all jump on my back and give me an e-kicking. Yes I know what I can learn in three days will be minimal, that there will be liitle to no resistance training I don't really plan to become a Krav (Magaist? what do you call a practitioner?), I'm just looking for an overview of the system and a couple of days doing something interesting and different.

I've been reading up on Krav the Last few days and while I don't totally buy the deadly streets battle tested hype, I still think it might prove interesting especially if the RBSD aspect is as it claims to be, even if in theory. I'm particularly interested in the concepts of simple gross motor skills in self defence, starting from a position where time and distance are compromised.

However I'm struggling to find much out about the setup, it seems to be quite an old established but independent organisation , but beyond that I'm struggling to find much out about the instructors or if its a modified form of Krav Maga. It looks as its tailor made for people who have little prior knowledge of martial arts, (but I'm cool with that)

Am I throwing away good money? Does Krav Maga add anything/complement boxing? Or am I better off looking at some other short course?

Any Ideas? Constructive criticism please. My co-worker says I should just save my cash and blow it on a sandy beach weekend in a hot climate instead, which I would totally do but having broken up with my girlfriend recently I'm looking for single activities.

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