vendredi 12 mai 2017

Rocky Peak Ridge from New Russia vs Whiteface

I am coming up to the Adirondacks from Cleveland tonight, with a planned climb this Sunday. The weather reports I see are sort of conflicting, though they all call for rain. Some seem to indicate it will be heavy, others lighter. I am aware of the DEC's mud report. Two mountains not mentioned (I know they can't name them all) were RPR and Whiteface. If RPR is our option we will do the longer New Russia way, and if Whiteface, it would be from Connery Pond. Big difference in elevation I know between the two different hikes. Is either hike more or less likely to be exceptionally muddy? I have the experience, clothing and equipment to climb either one. I am looking at these trails in part because they are less frequented early in the season then the more obvious, popular ones, and will therefore see less negative impact on them.

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