jeudi 15 mars 2018

Hunting/Tracking Sidearm

I'm looking to pick up a pistol for dispatching wounded game (as part of the DEC's leashed tracking dog license). I've spent a season walking around with a shotgun or rifle, and while I'll always consider that option, I'd also like to have the option of a more portable, but still lethal, pistol.

The only animals we can track here in NY are bear and deer, so I want a cartridge that can effectively deal with both. I had considered .40s&w at first, but I think that might be on the light side (or entirely inadequate) for bear. I started looking at magnum revolvers. Something like a .44 magnum would be more than capable for taking either animal, but it's also heavy and kicks pretty hard from what I understand.

What do hunters here think about using a .357 magnum? Something like a 6 or 8 shot pistol would probably be no heavier than a regular semi-automatic pistol. I've heard some internet forum goers say that .357 magnum isn't enough for black bear, while others say it should work just fine. As with anything discussed on the internet, there is often a lot of hype and exaggeration.


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