mercredi 21 mars 2018

Millman Pond, LGWF, 21 Mar, 2018

Today's long awaited "Lunch at a lean-to" brought Tredhed and me to Millman Pond in the Lake George Wild Forest. We've been wanting to go here for some time and the first full day of spring seemed like a good day to go...and it was.

Arriving at the Pike Brook Rd. trailhead around 9:00, we quickly strapped on the Tubbs and headed up the trail through filtered sun and a stiff north breeze.

The trail, actually an old road that was recently groomed for snowmobiles, was a dream to walk on. It was hard packed and we made good time as it wound through the woods, gaining 200+ feet.

Turning off the Red disked trail to Black Mt., we picked up the Yellow disked trail and soon came to a vly with a great view of the Black Mt. firetower.

From the vly, we could hear the windmill on the top of Black Mt. "thumping" away. We were both glad that we weren't planning to go there today. That huge, spinning blade always intimidates me. :eek:

The Yellow disked trail then climbed through a small saddle between drainages.

It soon deposited us on the north shore of Lapland Pond.

We took a short detour to visit the lean-to and were not surprised to see it a little worse for wear and tear. That's usually been the case whenever we've visited Lapland Pond. :mad:

Undaunted, we continued on the Yellow disked trail for Millman Pond as opposed to striking out across the ice. It probably would have been OK, but ...

The restless trail around the marshes of Lapland Pond had quite a bit of ups and downs. It wasn't that big of a deal, but it was untraveled by snowmobiles and suffered from some bare boot damage.

Walking through the hemlocks was an absolute joy! :clap

After regaining the groomed snowmobile trail on the SW side of Lapland Pond, there was a short, steep climb up to the marshy shores of Millman Pond.

Again, we decided to stick to the woods and were rewarded with another beautiful grove of hemlocks to walk through.

After a few minutes, the lean-to came into view.

Perched high on a ridge separating Millman Pond from a large swamp, this is one of the best maintained lean-tos we've ever seen. Kudos to Russ and his buddies who maintain this gem.:thumbs::thumbs::thumbs: While Lapland Pond's LT looks like it was ridden hard and put away wet, the one at Millman Pond is spectacular.

After a relaxing lunch of clam chowder and cookies. Tredhed made our lean-to log entry as I enjoyed some of the current periodicals from the lean-to library. Prior to departing, we recited the thoughtful prayer posted to the wall.

Now I lay me down to rest
A pile of maps across my chest
If I die before I wake
That's one less hike I have to take.

Great hike!

1 commentaire:

  1. I was just at Millman last week and saw Yredhed's entry in the logbook. Did you happen to check out the privy? 👍
