samedi 11 août 2018

Hoffman Mt 8/11/2018

Been quite a long while since I've actually written up a trip report. Summer has been busy and many of the trips I've made were ones not worth sharing.... or ones that were too good to share :p Today's trip had me notching off another hundred highest with the side benefit of exploring an area that is new to me.

I hit the Big Pond Trail Head in the Hoffman Wilderness shortly before 8. There was not a single car there so I knew I had the right place. On my way in to Big Pond I noticed some flagging in a couple spots - a quick recon confirmed that a trail crew has been making some progress on some new trails from the UMP. I took a quick break at the campsite at Big Pond for one last map check before wandering into the woods.

Being relatively new to the off trail game, Hoffman Mt was to be the longest bushwhack I've attempted. So I figured the nice ridge line route with its straightforward navigation would be a good approach. The ridge was fairly open the whole way with alternating deciduous and conifers. Many stretches had on and off herd paths or game trails making travel enjoyable at times :D As I neared the summit, I was greeted with copious amounts of Moose scat. Stepping around it became a little bit of a chore at times - but at least there was not a single Charmin Bloom!

The summit came and went with the only views coming from lower down the ridge. A couple light rain showers on the hike out were quite refreshing! With so many places to explore, I'm sure the remaining 32 on my list will take some time.

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