mardi 28 août 2018

The Big Four, Northrup and two nice erratics

I prepared for a return to the West Canada Wilderness with hours of map study and by reading the journals of early 20th century adventurers Bob Gillespie and Harvey Dunham. I wanted to spend time around the big four, West, South, Mud and Brooktrout Lakes. I also had an itch to visit tiny Northrup and explore the headwaters of the Indian River. Satellite imagery revealed a pair of large glacial erratics in the vicinity, because they were discernable from outer space, I added the big rocks to my list of things to visit.

I would enter the area via the Old Military Road and pond hop my way to the interior using Pillsbury and Cedar Lakes. Mud Creek is navigable south of its intersect with the Northville Placid Trail which will put you in Mud Lake, where short carries lead to the other members of the big four.


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