jeudi 30 août 2018

What do you use as a bear bag?

Hey guys!
Thank you all for the advice yesterday on the guide book in my previous thread. I'm curious as to what others choose to use for a bear bag. I have about a 2 week period of time off coming up in mid September. So I decided, what a better way to spend two weeks off then to spend some serious time in the Adirondacks. I'm planning on starting the 46 on this trip, but since I'll have my dog whose never hiked in mountains before along with me, I only plan to hit only one maybe two high peaks than spend a night. As bear canisters are required in the Eastern High Peaks region, I'll be renting one from the HPIC. But since I'll have so much time for this trip, the plan is to drive to another area of the park to spend the remainder of my two weeks. Undecided on the location yet. Possibly the Five Ponds Wilderness, or the West Canada Lakes. So for this part of my trip outside the high peaks I'll be hanging my food. This brings me back to my original inquiry of what do you all use? I'm highly considering a Sea To Summit Ultra-Sil dry sack, as I'll be out for so long I figure the chance of seeing rain is pretty high, so waterproofness is important to me. And yes I'll be stopping to resupply after the high peaks if necessary to ensure the pup and I have enough food.

take care ya'll

and maybe we'll see ya out in the woods!

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